Presented Without Comment: Spencer Reed & Phillip Aubrey…

…in a scene for Next Door Buddies released last week, which was obviously filmed several months ago.

OK, one comment/question: Are the worlds of gay porn news and actual gay porn more separate and isolated from each other than we think? That is to say, are the kinds of people who regularly join membership sites like NextDoorBuddies even remotely aware of the “gossip” going on behind the scenes? Because Next Door couldn’t have released this scene in an effort to capitalize on the very public and very violent drama between Spencer and Phillip, could they have? If they did, is it offensive, or should it remind people of “happier times”?

Could you watch a scene between these two particular performers if you knew what had happened between them? Do the people (like you) who read porn blogs (like this one) even join porn sites?


27 thoughts on “Presented Without Comment: Spencer Reed & Phillip Aubrey…”

  1. I hardly leave a response, but i did some searching and
    wound up here Presented Without Comment: Spencer Reed & Phillip Aubrey…
    – The Sword. And I actually do have some questions for you if you
    do not mind. Could it be only me or does it seem like some of the comments come across like they are written by brain dead people?

    :-P And, if you are writing on other online sites, I’d like to follow everything
    new you have to post. Would you make a list of the complete urls of your public sites like your
    linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter feed?

  2. Hm, I am not sure, what to think.
    First I thought it is strange and in a way annoying and reckless.
    But then I thought of all the movies still around with modells who killed and murdered others. Or think of the modells who died as a result of an HIV infection or other illnesses.
    Is it appropriate to sell these Movies today? Porn with these modells can still be bought and many companies earn money with these people.

    So what makes the difference?
    The only thing different is that the “knifeaffair” happened a short while ago. But in half a year people, who knew, will forget. Noone will care. But the pornmovies stays as a memory of the “good old times” ;)

  3. NDS knew exactly what they were doing. They are publicity whores. They released it September, which was supposed to be the date of Phillip’s trial in DC. NDS was hoping to capitalize on the publicity from the trial. What they didn’t realize was that the trial was pushed back to the end of September. You’re getting lazy, Zach. I am surprised you didn’t make the connection between the release date of the video and the court date.

    1. Yeah, no. NDS is a lot of things, but I highly doubt they’re bored enough to be keeping tabs on a court date on the other side of the country for one random performer who isn’t even an exclusive. They have 14762352 sites and produce 8362768376827683768 scenes a month.

  4. Ok, I am going to be politically incorrect but…. am I the only one that is turned on by the fact that Spencer Reed appears to be just as dominant in real life as in his videos.
    He is a brutal and demanding top man.

    Total turn on

    1. I hate to sound like I’m being judgy. . .but. GROSS.

      That sort of thinking is based on a total misapprehension about the kind of trust and communication it takes to build a functionally kinky relationship. It’s not all harnesses and riding crops – there’s lots of talking and mutually affirming and consent-giving and paying attention and all that. IF any of Philip’s story is true, I’d personally never want to play with Spencer in a kink context – his ideas of boundaries in that story don’t seem to be our Earth boundaries.

      Of course, all this operates on the pretext that it is. Which we don’t know. Because this whole situation is a big, damn, complicated mess.

  5. I think it would have been inappropriate if this had been released weeks ago when the incident happened, now some time has passed and the initial fuss has died down but it was always going to be attention grabbing which I’m sure NDB were banking on to get a few more hits (pardon the pun) and increase their membership.

  6. I think both are hot in their own way but after hearing bits and pieces of both sides of the story there was no way I am interested in seeing any more of the pix nor would I watch the scene.
    It’s just in bad taste.

  7. Having seen Philip Aubrey’s interview, read the blog posts of both and the twitter drama involved, I’d stay far far away. Too close to home. Yes, NDS already filmed these scenes, but talk about crappy timing. I hope this scene crashes and burns and then blows over. Leave this flaming wreckage of a relationship to be buried and put to rest. Ugh.

    I join sites to follow my faves-Jessie Colter, Chris Porter, Brent Corrigan-not for any particular loyalty to the studio itself. While Austin Wilde and Anthony Romero are total hotties, even they can’t get me to join NDS.

    1. I’d stay far away from both of them, actually…

      Regarding NDS, I guess they thought it was not too close to avoid backlash, but not too far so people could notice that scene. A calculated risk.

      1. I meant far far away from the creepiness of this scene, actually. It’s up to each individual to follow who they follow; some people care about who they are as people, but most probably only care about what turns them on. Truth is usually not a high priority for many when they seek to be entertained. Heck, Chris Brown can beat the crap out of his girlfriend and not say sorry, and still get a standing O at the VMA’s.

  8. P.s.: I think the point of NDB is very simple: they paid them to have this scene, it was bound to be published (I guess it was planned even before, but it was a bit too close to the event and they delayed a bit – but they couldn’t delay it indefinitely).
    And anyway, there ARe people that watch porn without caring to know of any behind-the-scene thing.

  9. Knowing all the story, I think it’s impossible to watch this scene and not to have a weird feeling.

    This story had really a big resonance and is still polarizing the opinions strongly, as our very TheSword knows from last week…

  10. Yes, I read a few porn blogs and have some interest in what goes on behind the scenes. When I read the stories of porn personalities in trouble (domestic violence, DUI’s, in rehab, out of rehab, stealing, arrested, etc.,) I just think that their lives are no different than the average fuck-up. Do I expect the studios that they work for to capatalize on their misfortune? Sure, that’s the culture that we live in today. Someone’s arrest in someone else opportunity to increase their page hits. Where would TMZ, DListed and The Sword be without news…good and/or bad?

    In terms of these two chaps, I have only skimmed their stories because I’m not a fan of either. And, yes, I do subscribe to porn sites, but I have never been a fan of the NDS stuff. Too vanilla (in more ways than one.) Can you imagine… a GAY porn studio that features more WOMEN than they do MEN OF COLOR! But that’s a whole different story.

  11. For nextdoor it’s just business/really fucked up. For Spencer and Phillip, I hate that they’re done cause DAMN this scene looks hot! ugh

  12. Disclosure: I never cared for either performers. First I am not into Spencer Reed. And Aubrey just physically reminds me WAY too much of former pornstar Lexx Parker whose trannylicious performances were a step too far into the feminine direction even for usually tolerant me.
    Plus these two have done WAY too many scenes with each other.

    That said, I do love couple sex in porn (That Men In Love film from RS is still a favorite of mine even though most of those couples are now over) and I do admit knowing about real-life shenanigans of porn stars sometimes want to me me watch scenes I otherwise wouldn’t have (I went to look for that Jayden Grey/Tucker Scott scene after the interview for instance LOL). So to answer your question: kinda.

    But does the imagery shock me? Honestly, no. First it is not directly linked to a domestic violence scenario. It is mild dominant situation that clearly was filmed WAY before anything happened. I am not a NDS fan but what were they supposed to do? Second, the facts of the story are confusing enough that I don’t feel the outrage about the whole thing I would have felt had it been a clear instance of someone beating their boyfriend. And Aubrey himself played that card with the prison tongue-in-cheek shoot. I dunno. I am not shocked. I might revisit my impression would I think Reed was “upset” about it but for some reason I just don’t think it is that close to the bone as that.

    1. Addendum:

      Clear examples where “capitalizing” on porn scandals is egregious: the DVD released compiling all the scenes of the samurai porn killer did with the guy he killed. And the attempts to rerelease scenes featuring that Sean Cody model and his girlfriend killers.
      But I just don’t see this as capitalizing. The scenario was chosen way before anything happened! Were studios supposed to pull Nikolai Petrov material they had in stock? And so on … To me I think studios should be relaxed about releasing material they have unless it is directly linked to whatever happened off-screen. The very point of fake names is that pornstars are an on-screen persona and a body/dick/face and that their out-of-screen behavior is unrelated. I like hearing about it and it turns me on to know who these people really are BUT I don’t think the studios should be held to anything more than a common-decency standard and I don’t feel it was crossed here.

      1. Addison didn’t kill his Sean Cody scene partner, did he? Is that what you’re saying? I thought he just killed some random rich guy.

        And you can’t say this Spencer/Philip scene was filmed “before anything happened” – according to Philip, things have been happening for a long time, pretty much throughout their relationship.

        And I have no doubt NDS released this scene knowing full well the controversy it would generate, and in fact counting on it.

        1. Right but they stayed together after that so it wasn’t NDS business. How were they even supposed to know what happens behind closed doors?
          An Addison did kill a random guy with the complicity of his girlfriend who was a pornstar and there was an attempt to “advertise” their scenes together when it came out.

  13. I notice that every porn site is running this photoset with the requisite astonishment and complaints over inappropriateness… but they’re still running it. It would be a stronger message to not run it at all.

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