‘The Advocate’ And Queerty Publish A Retired Porn Star’s Tweet

As much as Queerty and The Advocate hate each other, they have a similar eye for news. And by “news” I mean a retired porn star’s tweet that is as unremarkable as it is long.

Both sites took a break from complaining about Target to republish a tweet about drugs, barebacking, and porn from retired performer Jack Ryan. Actually, they republished Ryan’s “twit longer” message, because what he said exceeded 140 characters, which means Jack Ryan should get a blog. (Oh, he did.)

Excerpts from the tweet:

For those of you who don’t know, I did a bareback movie in 2008. I’m not gonna even mention the studio or the title, because I DO NOT want anyone to purchase it, and I don’t want to promote it. At the time I choose to do it, I had just lost my mother and my dog to cancer, within a year of each other. I used hard drugs to dull the pain. I became an addict, and did self destructive things because I no longer cared. Not that this is an excuse, but drugs really screw up your sense of right and wrong.

I was and by some miracle, I am still HIV-Negative. I have had the blood test for it many times since doing the scene, as recently as last month, and I am still HIV-Negative and free of all std’s.


I haven’t done a movie since that one in 2008 by choice. It freaked me out that I did it, and I fell deeper into my drug haze, hating myself for doing something I never, ever thought I would.

I had a contract with the bareback company for 12 scenes but I pulled out after the first movie. It would have been enough money that I wouldn’t have had to work for a year, or two if I was frugal. But my damn morals came up and I couldn’t do another one. I scared myself.


Please everyone, support safe sex movies. You could be saving a life. Those are real people performing, and they deserve respect and the demand and financial incentive for them to stay safe.

Is this relevant because the person saying it has lived the experience, or is it because it’s just what Advocate, Queerty, and their collective readers like to hear, and what most everyone in the world would already agree to (safe sex = good; drugs = bad)? Is this remarkable because he’s a former porn star and he’s sexy, or is it because he’s a former porn star who escaped the evil, dark clutches of porn? If everyone who had a close call after some bareback sex and a night of crystal wrote about it on Twitter, would they be published, too? And no disrespect to Jack Ryan’s success with not catching HIV from that one scene, but the existence of bareback porn didn’t make Jack Ryan have bareback porn. It was, by his own admission, his drug use that led him to bareback porn. So, no. This story isn’t about porn, it’s about one porn star’s abuse of drugs, which he survived, which is great. And by the way, performers who work in bareback porn are just as “real” and deserving of respect as the performers in other kinds of porn, working on their own volition under their own sets of circumstances.

Also? No. Porn stars are not teachers.

As porn stars were [sic] are teachers. Younger kids look to your movies as educational, and emulate what we do. We have a responsibility to teach behavior that is very fun, very hot, very sexy, and VERY SAFE. It can’t be all about the money.

When I watched porn as a kid, I wasn’t watching because I wanted to be educated. I was watching because I wanted to get off. And anyone who’s looking for porn to teach them how to have sex in real life is in for some very disappointing experiences that do not involve hot jocks in locker rooms and pizza delivery guys with giant sausages.


8 thoughts on “‘The Advocate’ And Queerty Publish A Retired Porn Star’s Tweet”

  1. So is he blaming is dead mother or his dead dog for his drug abuse and barebacking? That’s what it sounds like to me from reading his entire post. “Mom/dog died and I got all stoned and fucked without condoms. Woe is me.”

    He made both choices, to abuse drugs and engage in unprotected sex (for money let’s not forget) knowing full well the risks involved. This “repent my past sins” rings hollow IMHO.

    No need to get all preachy like a reformed alcoholic, or smoker, or Born Again Christian. Just another “reformed” drug abuser/porn star/barebacker who got “religion” so to speak.

    BTW, the bareback video was done for SXVideo and it’s called “Raw”.

  2. Person with a Heart

    What about those that have decided not to do it again? I don’t agree with your statement Legend at all as I respect everyone being a person with their freedoms in life (the few we still have) and I have met a few that have had to do it for reasons that display BIGGER HEARTS than well, obviously not you. Example: one guy recently was turned down and then contacted begging to do it only because he needed money quickly or his mother would loose her home. Sure there may have been another option for him somewhere, but he was doing it because he didn’t know any other way at the moment and he although you most likely immediately jump the the opinion that he was lying… I happen to know that he was completely telling the truth after the fact. It’s okay, I am not faulting you for you opinion, we need unique people in the world to make it interesting like yourself that are of the insane, close minded, dramatic, hateful and well emotionally affected on so many levels considering that you say these hateful things, yet you actually read, “The Sword”.

    My Point: Most men or women that have done or do porn are either 100% confident in what they do and why they do it and honestly regardless of what you say or do, they don’t give a shit what you have to think or say. And then there is one’s that have done it and you can tell from their tweets, blogs, lives that they wish they would not have and have attempted to move on in life. Have you ever make a mistake in life or a decision that you were like, Fuck… that might not have been the best thing to do. Well, how about relate and have some small attempt at having a “respectable” heart.

    Additionally, I would rather be called a “nice” whore, than a “ignorant” asshole.

    1. No one deserves respect for displaying their genitals on film. Respect should always be earned through selflessness and contribution to the greater good.

      Ejaculation does not qualify.

      That’s not respect you’re feeling, it’s lust.

    1. If porn stars are whores and do not deserve respect, why are you on a gay porn blog. If it so distasteful and wrong you should not be looking at it.

  3. I think you’re being naive here. I’d much rather have Jack Ryan’s point of view on this than Mason Wyler’s. The fact is that kids don’t get gay sex education from school, so they get it from somewhere, whether they realise they’re getting it or not. Porn DOES have a responsibility to present a proper example, and those who don’t do that are guilty by association.

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