…It comes down to, you’re fucking stupid and I’m making money off your mistakes. It might sound rough, but how else are you going to learn not to do this again? It’s like you’re playing Russian Roulette like, oh, let’s hope this doesn’t get out.”
Is Anyone Up? mastermind/hottie/pariah Hunter Moore defends defending himself in a great profile, The Man Who Makes Money Publishing Your Nudes. He’s been stabbed, threatened with lawsuits, and accused (wrongfully) of posting child porn, but most people generally like him, I think. Or maybe that’s just me? I love him. Two of his self-published nudes below, if you haven’t already seen.
@DPS Well your response proves exactly what I stated. It is true, I am sorry you’ve had to live your life like that for so long. You really should begin therapy though, you may not think it helps but I promise you it does. If you need help finding one I would be glad to help. I just don’t like seeing people suffering in the way that you are.
Haha, you’re a riot. Even damques sees how retarded you are. Please, keep it coming.
Tyson, you are clearly projecting your own issues onto others. And it’s fucking sad. You need to stop while you’re not ahead. Seriously, most of us are embarrassed for you, and the rest are probably just laughing at you.
Not at all actually. I am a psychologist, not that it takes one to see that DPS is sad.s
Oh wait a min… NOW I remember. You’re that same queen that tried to put me in my place months ago. Even then you claimed that you were a psychologist. Lol.
Think of it this way people. It’s like the shampoo commercials that Heather Locklear used to do where she told 2 friends, and they told 2 friends, and so on, and so on, and so on…..
Damques, you have to understand that this is a gay blog that caters to male beauty.
First of all..what is visible on the outside is what churns the story wheels regardless of what issues a person has on the inside.
Second of all, Zach was doing his job, generating good copy and creating traffic to his website and this story. He has done what he wanted to do. It’s all about web traffic and business.
well beauty is most definitely in the eye of the beholder and this guy is nothing i would chose to behold. if it doesn’t matter to you what issues a person has on the inside well i guess good for you. of course if all i see is a good looking naked guy with a hot body and i know nothing about this person that’s one thing. but if i find out that person is a evil, selfish, fuck, who is willing to humiliate people just for attention and or money i am automatically turned off by them. in Zach’s post about this guy he said that he thought people generally liked Hunter Moore and Zach went on to say he loved him. was just wondering besides his big dick what Zach loved so much about him. it was a simple question that i guess will just go unanswered. i don’t want to keep beating a dead horse so no more comments on this post from me. and by the way who ever accused Zach of not doing his job? left field much?
Sure he has a nice dick but what else? He looks like the type of guy that mows my lawn, covered in ugly tattoos.
You are such a coward. I would love to see you say any one of the comments you post on here to the person’s face. You would be destroyed. If I am wrong then go to a porn/ gay event and back your shit up. You wouldn’t say a single thing. Fucking pussy.
lol, u mad
I wouldn’t say I am mad.. I almost feel sorry for you. You are a very sad person. You’ve obviously been the one that no one liked, your entire life. So getting on here and cutting people down anonymously makes you feel better, it makes you feel like you have some sort of power and control. But you don’t, you’ve never been in control of your life and it is slipping through your hands. You have no one that honestly cares about you or loves you and it’s sad.
You see what I did there? I gained “control” as you say I don’t have. I wanted attention, and you just gave it to me. Thank you for that. :) You really came up with all of that though? Based on what I post… on a porn blog? You don’t know one fucking thing about my life. How I act on a porn blog does not reflect how I am in my day to day life. So take your diagnonsense bullshit and your pity for me and shove it up your loose rosebud. I needed a good laugh today, thank you again. xoxo
what are you some sort of clairvoyant psychologist? you honestly think you can tell that someone has never been liked their entire life, that they’ve never been in control of their life and it’s slipping thru their hands and that no one cares about this person just by reading a couple of their comments on a porn blog. tyson, you are one ridiculous drama queen, not to mention a complete fucking idiot.
still would like for Zach to explain what it is about this idiot that he loves so much. what is it about him Zach that makes you swoon. i mean besides his dick. just because he posts nude photos of some willing and some unwilling people and then rips on them that is enough to be a fan of someone. weak. come on Zach, you must see so much dick daily that you could at least chose to like the ones that belong to people who don’t purposely try to degrade others for their own gain.
You just mad cause yo ass was dumb enough to send out naked pictures of yourself.
That blog is awful, and helps reassure me about why I hate people. The trolls that love that site just like it so they can make themselves feel better by trashing someone else. “Thank god I don’t look like that mess, I guess I don’t have it that bad!” And the worst part is seeing people you know on there, I regret ever going on that fucking website. Rant over.
There’s nothing wrong with what he’s doing. Other people are just mad because they couldn’t cash in on the idea first. So it makes him a bad boy plus he’s “hot” which really makes everybody want him even more. I say good luck to him. He found a place where he can put his talent to good use and please people at the same time. More power to him.
p.s. just as long as *I* don’t have to have sex with him. ugh!
put his “talent” to good use. you’ve got to be kidding.
how blinded fags can be just because someone has a big dick. to each their own but that is a face only a mother could love. plus he’s an evil fuck. it’s one thing for people to self summit photo’s but for people to summit pics of exes or pics that they’ve somehow stolen or hacked and then to be for them to be judged and made fun of by a bunch of internet trolls is just cruel. what’s to “love” about someone like him. i swear people think the meanest things are so “cool” nowadays.
here’s one girls experience with Is Anyone Up
I was submitted to isanyoneup.com by my ex-boyfriend. I am confronted by friends, family and strangers that they have seen me naked online everyday…. You may think it’s funny but sometimes [I] don’t want to leave my house and go to the mall with my family because I fear somebody will come up to me while I’m with my mother and mention it. My sisters… are ashamed to be related with me and want to lie to their friends that they are my sisters. I am a disgrace to my family…. My self worth has gone out the window and I worry I may never get it back. This keeps me one step away from happiness every single day. I don’t know what to do anymore.
If you don’t want nudes of yourself posted online… how about don’t take nudes of yourself?
“I am a disgrace to my family…” Really? REALLY? If you are a disgrace to your family, I hardly doubt it is from your nude pics being online.
tons of couples take/send nude photos to each other. having them end up on some creeps blog who could give a fuck about anyone but themselves is a whole different story. it’s one thing if you CHOSE to do nude modeling or porn, it’s another being betrayed by an ex. and who are you to assume this girl ever did anything to disgrace her family. you are blindly making stupid assumptions and like i mentioned before there is definitely something about people nowadays having rotten, i don’t give a fuck about anyone but myself attitudes.
If you don’t ever want nudes to end up online, don’t take them in the first place… doesn’t matter who it is with.
Oh stfu, jug ears.
Oh dear…the point is that taking and sending nude photos of yourself or your significant other is stupid and asking for trouble. Especially in this day and age of accidentally submitting something to “All Contacts” and such. Don’t want to shoot yourself in the foot? Don’t fire the fucking gun in the first place.
Love love love Hunter. He’s quite the shooter as well!
?! been looking forever for that video. if you remember where you saw it, please share.
I should probably be doing something more productive today, but fuck it. The link to download the video is just before the last pic.
i love you
And I, you.
I’ve noticed a lot of these “victims” comment on their own nudes there. A lot of times he catches people that self submit their photos, but I’m willing to bet a lot of people on there submitted or got someone to submit photos of themselves on there.
umm, i’d like to break off a piece of that. (would prefer he grow back his pubes, but whatever)