“Of course, men with HIV can have satisfying sex lives, too…”

…as long as they keep the goods covered to not spread the virus any more that it already has.

That’s Fleshbot, who’ve discovered a Mason Wyler scene (in which condoms are used) and have decided that they don’t mind seeing the HIV-positive performer having sex. Their headline for the entry? “Mason Wyler Still Making Films, And Maybe That’s Okay.” Yikes.


Love him or hate him, crazy Mason Wyler, despite coming out as HIV+, has no intention of leaving the industry. We’re beginning to think that may be a good thing.

I’m sure Mason and all the other “men with HIV” who, surprise, have active sex lives are relieved to know that having sex is “okay.” And I’m sure that a blog entry endorsing an HIV-positive person having sex with (presumably) an HIV-negative person would have to be couched with a lot of wishy-washy, contingent phrasing (love him or hate him…can havemaybe that’s okaybeginning to think…may be a good thing…as long as) so that people wouldn’t get the wrong idea and think that it was really a blog entry endorsing a “crazy” HIV-positive porn star and the spread of HIV. People who read blogs are so easily confused.

But the Wyler/Owen scene is from Studio 2000’s TKO, from the year 2007, which belies the entire premise of the entry. Mason Wyler is not filming porn scenes with condoms and has in fact recently filmed multiple bareback scenes, so…uhh…Mason making films isn’t okay after all?

Despite multiple comments pointing out the error–comments that were moderated!–on the entry and in another thread on the site, the entry is still up. To be fair, Fleshbot–part of the Gawker network and one of the highest trafficked porn blogs, if not the highest–getting such simple facts wrong and not correcting them is embarrassing, but it’s not the end of the world. It’s just an entry on a porn blog. But then using those facts (which actually aren’t facts!) to perpetuate the false notion that porn is somehow an educational medium for real people looking to learn how to have sex in their real lives? No.

Looking at the stills from his film with Christian Owens[sic], we’re less inclined to think of the scandal from a few months back, and more about how much of a hottie he still is, remaining in excellent shape, and looking as scrumptious as ever. However, an important part of his sexiness in this scene is that he’s playing safe.

Fleshbot’s goof is a reminder that you should never, ever, ever look at porn as anything other than what it is: A fantasy. Protect yourself because you don’t want to get a disease, not because a porn star is wearing a condom and therefore it must be the right thing to do. Some porn is safe and some porn isn’t, but none of it should be reflective of what’s going on in real life. After all, this Mason Wyler scene, with the condom, taken in the context of Fleshbot’s entry…never even happened.

And for the record, Mason Wyler wasn’t sexy in 2007 and isn’t sexy in 2011 because of a condom; he’s sexy because he’s Mason fucking Wyler.


3 thoughts on ““Of course, men with HIV can have satisfying sex lives, too…””

  1. Amen! I get so tired of the people who are calling for basically prohibition of any porn that does not have condoms used in it’s production because they feel like too many people are watching these bareback vides and then immitating that in their own sex lives. Anyone doing that is stupid and has only themselves to blame if they catch and STD.

    Porn is for fantasy. Videos state that in the warnings prior to the start of the video. It’s time people take responsibility for their own actions and stop trying to blame someone or something else.

  2. “Protect yourself because you don’t want to get a disease, not because a porn star is wearing a condom and therefore it must be the right thing to do. Some porn is safe and some porn isn’t, but none of it should be reflective of what’s going on in real life.”


    also, this! “he’s sexy because he’s Mason fucking Wyler.”

    and also: i’m thinking something about Mason with a barely legal twink and lollipops covered in condoms. i don’t know. find the joke yourself, it’s late (kind of) on the east coast.

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