Mason Wyler

Buff Mason Wyler Returns to Gay Porn After Decade Away

Look, we all love a gay porn comeback, right? And this one is a doozy: Mason Wyler, who debuted nearly 20 years ago (!) but hasn’t been in the industry for about a decade, has returned! Except…sigh…why oh lord does it have to be in one of these awful scenes?!

We first met cute twunk Mason way back in 2005 at Corbin Fisher, and very quickly he was a huge star appearing at big studios like Falcon, Next Door, Titan, Randy Blue, Studio 2000, Jet Set (remember Studio 2000 and Jet Set?!). You name it, he was there (check out a lot of his great work at many of these studios on NakedSword!). But then he left about 10 years ago, and now he’s back—big and buff, a huge contrast to what he looked like back in the day.

Mason Wyler Mason Wyler, Ryan Bailey

Except…ugh. gotta and ruin what should be a joyous occasion by pulling out all of its awful tropes in this scene that is bound to be near or at the top of our Most Obnoxious Scenes of 2022 (So Far!) when we revisit it at the end of the year. Mason plays dad to Troye Dean, who sadly doesn’t get naked here, just like he was wasted in that recent scene with super-hot Brogan and Joey Mills (can we please stop non-sexing cute Troye?!). This scene is called “My Dad Fucked My Fiancé,” which gives you a pretty good idea of the awful path we’re about to head down.

Mason Wyler, Ryan Bailey Mason Wyler, Ryan Bailey

Troye brings home boyfriend Ryan Bailey, and we also get an annoying woman playing Mason’s wife. And as Troye and his mamma prepare a meal, Mason and Ryan get busy behind the kitchen island. And then it gets even dumber when Troye proposes as Ryan is taking it doggy, mom and her son acting SHOCKED when they discover the two naked, then STORMING OUT!

Mason Wyler, Ryan Bailey Mason Wyler, Ryan Bailey

That leaves us with some sadly mediocre action atop some uncomfortable looking furniture, ending with a creampie. What do you think of Mason’s return and his new look? Can we please see him in a better production soon?! He deserves better than this.

See the full scene at!


39 thoughts on “Buff Mason Wyler Returns to Gay Porn After Decade Away”

  1. Thanks for this update. OMG Mason Wyler looks awful! His neck is so enlarged he can hardly move his head. He’s lost the sexy spirit that he once had.
    I was so into him back in the day. I liked this slender boyish body. That was his genes and his uniqueness. Now he just looks like any other generic muscle man who is so over built that they have no flexibility or personality.

  2. THANK YOU for trolling Their videos are boner killers. Too many idiotic, unfunny scenes and too many women in gay porn.

  3. I was a fan of Mason Wyler. I considered him one of the most gorgeous actors of the time. This all-muscular new Mason doesn’t interest me. About diseases and condoms, AIDS is detectable and treatable, but not curable. Let’s be realistic and speak the truth. I am in favor of condoms because there is not only AIDS, but other diseases like syphilis, gonorrhea and many others. The actors are human beings, not superhumans immune to disease. Ricky Larkin, a famous gay pornstar, has been quite vocal about getting syphilis during a shoot. So, what’s wrong with using a condom? I find the act of putting a condom on in a scene very sexy. It´s a shame that the porn industry – not just the gay one – pushes innocent young actors into bareback scenes. They are often people who have just turned 18, without much knowledge of life, easily manipulated. Unfortunately, due to the unwillingness of public health managers, there are no information campaigns for young porn actors; unfortunately these young people are thrown to their own fate. The sister of a friend of mine is a doctor on duty and she reports that every day she deals with positive results for sexually transmitted diseases. If the AIDS situation was under control, there wouldn’t be so many new cases. This goes for syphilis, gonorrhea and so many other diseases. I am against the glamorization of bareback sex.

    1. Universal Potentate

      You’re in a small group with that opinion.
      Different surveys show that 6% of viewers like condoms, 42% like bare sex, 52% don’t care. So saying NO to bareback makes no financial sense.
      The idea that innocent adults are being manipulated is dubious and could apply equally to any profession.
      Other diseases are curable with a shot of antibiotic. Those aren’t of grave concern.
      Onto the part I found interesting. You said you think putting a condom on is hot. You need to realize that that’s a unique fetish … about 6% of viewers.
      Most people like to see natural sex, cum play, creampies/breeding.
      Condoms can trigger allergic reaction. They also create drag, which can cause microtears and bleeding. This can allow pathways to infection that barebacking does not.
      Several studies in multiple countries shockingly showed that it’s safer for surgeons to avoid wearing masks. Masking causes sweating and a tendency to touch your face and adjust the mask which has been holding breath particles, making it a petri dish you sweat into and touch and transfer. It’s a strange phenomenon, but theory and practice are often different.
      How you choose to conduct your personal life is your business. But as far as the porn industry, you would destroy the industry if you forced condoms, both from talent and customers who don’t want them.

  4. I will always wear a condom, gay men are not the most honest and I am extremely careful. I also don’t want monkeypox which is working its way through the gay community. I get to know a partner long before I fuck, it’s not work risking your health with the typical anonymous sex trash.

  5. Having lived through the AIDS Horrors of the 80s and 90s, I believe porn stars who are HIV positive, whether undetectable or not, having condomless sex in porn films to be seen by young gay men, who weren’t around during the time, outrageous, deplorable, and totally irresponsible. It sends the wrong message! If you’re HIV positive and fucking in porn films, wear a fucking condom!

    1. Universal Potentate

      So a million years ago when you were middle aged something bad happened. Therefore now that things are completely different, people should party like it’s 1989?
      And the reason is “messaging”?
      Let me help you out. You’ve developed a condom fetish due to ignorance. You’re like people who really LIKE the hole cut into the sheet for sex.
      You’re like Japan, living in some weird taboo about pubic hair.
      Porn is a fantasy for a larger market. That market dislikes condoms. HIV is both testable and treatable. Young “impressionable” people know this because they go to school and have the internet.
      Welcome to 2008. We have PrEP now and rapid HIV tests now. Everyone younger than the hills knows it.

      1. Let me help you out, young man. AIDS is STILL out there, Prep or no Prep, undetectable levels or not, and young guys are still getting it, and I don’t give a shit what medications there are to treat it. It is still not curable. So despite the advances in medications and treatments, having anal sex today should not be treated as a free for all so just go at it. I suspect you were likely too young or not even born during the AIDS crisis of the 80s and 90s. Your cavalier attitude implies that. Porn stars who are HIV positive should be wearing condoms when they perform. Period! And for the rest of you, know your partner’s health status, and don’t assume anything just because you’re taking Prep.

        1. Universal Potentate

          The reason to take PrEP is because you’re not assuming anything. I have a bit of medical education so there are other diseases that exist.
          We know this because we have tests for them.
          We also measure the effectiveness of treatments. HIV meds make you undetectable, and undetectable = untransmissible
          That thar is called da sy-ins!

          So get over your insane PTSD from 3-4 decades ago. Your condom fetish will NOT be respected. It’s worth mockery and scorn.
          Get with the times or die in the past.

          1. Then, by all means, get out there and get fucked silly till your asshole is bloated and swollen. Let PREP be your surefire guarantee, and have a wonderful time. And, if by chance, you do come down with something, I’m sure one of those tests you know about from your medical education can diagnose it and treat it for you. So don’t cheat yourself. Life is short. Have fun!

          2. Universal Potentate

            Tests don’t treat. They just diagnose. The treatment is a stronger and slightly tweaked version of PReP.
            You genuinely have no understanding of medicine. Until you learn why everyone is excited that Mason is making a comeback, keep your ignorant opinions to yourself.
            And I’m sorry you’ve gone through menopause, but for about 15 years now dudes have been taking load after load thanks to PReP. There are still other STIs Hepatitis is more concerning than HIV. Just learn how modern reality works.

          3. Your medical education probably consists of the meds your psychiatrist makes you take for your mental issues, retard

      2. Oh yea. You sound like one of the ones who would say that gay men have a genital fetish. This man is talking nothing more but facts and truth and your response (like many others) is so immature and childish. .

        1. Universal Potentate

          You’ve consistently said nonsense since I’ve seen you on this board. You’re sincere but you usually draw the wrong conclusion.
          1. What the hell is a genital fetish?
          2. I literally explained using facts (and snark) how he was incorrect. He just discussed how his emotional reactions should be law.
          3. My response is based on a defense of psychosexual health. This is probably a foreign concept to you, so I’ll use simple language. Don’t yuck other people’s yums. It’s perfectly okay to say “I dislike this.” You are engaging is sexual suppression when you say “You can’t like this.”
          And the biggest historical form of this sort of sexual suppression is “DISEASE!!!” OMG!! You’ll get SICK if you do the gay but sex!!!!
          Or masturbate, or have sex outside wedlock, or have sex with those foreigners/rivals, etc. DISEASE!!!!
          And you older generation can’t get over your PTSD and have internalized the repression of your childhood. “Oh gee! Daddy was right about evils of gayness.” Hint: no he wasn’t!
          Was AIDS bad in the 80s & 90s? Yes!
          Did medicine create (basically) a preventative and cure for it? Yes!
          Are those medicines widely available? YES!!!
          Was the French Disease a problem in Ben Franklin’s era? Yes.
          Did we discover penicillin for syphilis? We did.
          If the ghost of Ben Franklin told us to beware whorehouses because of the French Disease, would we all have ourselves a little laugh? We certainly would.
          And do you understand why I’m laughing at you?

          1. You are a retard, nobody wants to hear your lame excuse on a website about porn. You must be a buzzkill at parties, go play in traffic.

      3. “So a million years ago when you were middle aged something bad happened.” This is ageism. You can defend your point of view and this is perfectly okay, but you don’t have to make that comment about age. It’s unnecessary.

    2. Better to be safe than sorry. Better to be cautious than presumptuous. Gay sex can be just as fun and enjoyable with condoms involved. You don’t have to be bareback to feel more sensations. I agree with your stance 100%. Younger minds are very impressionable and let’s face it, many gay boys like us found out the workings of gay sex through pornography.

      Recent times have shown that diseases can spread and that new ones can come up from nowhere. Some individuals aren’t as honest as others. Get to know your sexual partner(s) before hopping in and getting it on. Once you’re comfortable, then bareback and other sexual kinks can be added.

  6. The scenes with sexual action while others in the scene are cooking, or talking, etc. don’t work for me. In fact, it’s quite a turn off. But apparently they work for some people (or I assume they wouldn’t keep producing such scenes). Everyone has their own proclivities.

    Mason is hot and glad he’s look back looking so buffed and handsome

  7. I agree it’s nice to see Mason return. Like all of us we tend to age after 10 years or so. But Mason looks good (wish I had it in me to age gracefully). Returning porn stars should have the benefit to do a short interview hopefully while undressing in a casual setting and like Mason talking about what he did and where he went and how he got so buff and kept his sexy look. If he is now playing “Daddy Rolls” that’s OK but reuniting him with past porn stars he acted with would be a wonderful too. He has potential to be again a top seller in gay porn. Love you Mason. Keep it real and welcome back.

  8. He looks super Hot
    Dont just assume hes doing drugs to look buff
    what a pity hes back on nothing would make me watch
    there crappy scenes ..there obsessed with women in there scenes
    and guys fucking right under there noses its just bullshit

  9. I’m glad to see him back. With improvements in medication and the entire industry back to the “bareback” phase of porn due to prevention drugs, it’s good to see Mason back in action. I, for one, don’t mind the new look. Glad he’s been taking care of himself. I just hope it’s “natural.”

  10. I always thought Mason was hot. It was a shame he left the porn world after his HIV diagnosis. While I’m happy to see him back, I’m not enjoying his roid look, just not attractive. Add to that…he is working with and I have to pass!

  11. omg – i was a huge fan of his in the noughts – i loved his bod & uncut cock – rare back then for us sites!
    but now lordy I dont love the over muscled look & good grief please stop with these wierd story lines – time will tell to see if this is a once off or if he’ll do more scenes.

  12. Universal Potentate

    He seems to be in BULK phase. You’re supposed to do that before you slim down to get “ripped.” He looks puffy right now. Hopefully he slims to ripped. He’d look AMAZING!!!

      1. Barebacking he risks infecting someone else, he should know better but its obvious porn people aren’t known for morals, that is for sure.

        1. Universal Potentate

          You’re an idiot. And that is absolute misinformation bordering on slander. Fortunately we all already know how this works and your trolling won’t work here. They really need an upvote/downvote feature on here.

        2. Exactly fuck off buddy. You can be undetetable and live a full and healthy life, where shocker you don’t have to wear a condom, their fun but lets be face it, its better without. And the morals thing on porn stars, can you say is the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, you have to have your opinion on people where you clearly a horrid person.

  13. Hell yeah! I’m so excited to see Mason Wyler back! I was a big fan of his back in the day! And damn, time has been good to him! He looks even hotter and sexier than before! Agreed, the cheesy scene does him an injustice, but hopefully he’ll continue his comeback with other worthy porn studios!

  14. I’m happy his health is good and he’s back to entertain another generation of gays, but I prefer my skinny twink/twunk boy Mason. I will be taking names and kicking ass if people start with the HIV+ shaming

  15. Welcome Back Mason! Glad he is back and is doing well even after being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. That time away gave him a chance to get well both mentally and physically. I know he was treated badly by the gay community after being diagnosed. Looking forward to many more scenes involving him.

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