Even More Free Grabbys Tickets

If you lost the first contest, here’s your chance at redemption. Answer these three simple questions and you could win two free “Gold” seats at the Grabbys next month. UPDATE: And the winner is…

The first five people to leave comments with all three questions right will be entered into a drawing. Of those five, I’ll pick one random winner. Click them keys, get on Google, and good luck. Actually, you may not even need Google. These questions are so easy, a porn star could get them right!

1. What state are the Grabbys held in?
2. Not counting this year, name two porn stars who have co-hosted the Grabbys.
3. Of the two porn stars you named in the question above, which one do you think has the bigger dick?

BONUS ROUND! Answer this question right (in addition to the above three), and you’ll receive a private, five minute, “fan appreciation” phone call from none other than Steven Daigle! (You don’t need to answer this question correctly in order to be eligible for the tickets.)

BONUS QUESTION: Name one gay porn site or studio that Steven Daigle has NOT filmed a scene for.

UPDATE: “Mark P.,” “Frank,” “Richard Smith,” “Liam Harris,” and “Spongey” all answered correctly. I put the names inside a Fleshjack and randomly picked out “Mark P.” Congratulations, “Mark P.”! You win! Please email me your full, real name so I can arrange to have your two tickets held at will call. Also, tell me your phone number. Steven Daigle will be calling you!!!

22 thoughts on “Even More Free Grabbys Tickets”

  1. Dayton O'Connor

    oh hope i will lol :)

    ? 1. -Illinois
    ? 2. -Diesel Washington and Michael Brandon
    ? 3.- Diesel Washington
    Bonus ?- Seancody.com :)

  2. 1. Illinois
    2. Diesel Washington & Brent Corrigan
    3. Diesel Washington

    Bonus: Daigle has NOT worked for Bel Ami

      1. P.S. I would LOVE to work with Steven Daigle. He’s sexy and charming.
        Steven, don’t worry about what people say about you. YOU are a star. People will talk about you when you are a star. You are probably the most popular performer in gay porn. You’ve won. You don’t have to fight with everyone who makes a crack online. Guys want to be you and/or be with you. You are charming and hot. Nothing they say can change that. Enjoy what you worked for and roll your eyes when they/we snipe. You are the top dog!
        Check out “Tim Ferriss: 7 Great Principles for Dealing with Haters”

  3. 1. IL
    2. Brent Corrigan and Wolf Hudson
    3. Wolf
    Bonus : Corbin Fisher (I’ll pass on meeting Daigle, barf)

    1. Guess What Douchebag.. Being a douchebag removes you from having any chance of winning shit. Try being grateful when someone is giving tickets away for free. And FYI, I would LOVE for you show up and have the balls to say that to my face. I have NO DOUBT IN THE WORLD THAT WOULD EVER ACTUALLY HAPPEN. Assholes online like you are simply that, only assholes online because they aren’t man enough to do it in person.

      Hoping to see you at the Grabby’s, on the ticket you bought to get in, LOL



      1. Steven, dearface, you know when people make shitty comments on the internet they’re expecting you to show up & lose your composure on them. Why do you keep giving them what they want? I ask because I care.

      2. Oh my. I’m confused why you would love to have me “barf” all over you?? Oh well, I guess with me out of the running, it probably won’t happen. I suppose my comment may have been offensive to you, although not nearly as offensive as your response to me. I certainly didn’t call you any names. What can I say; except I’m not a fan of your work. If my comment offended you, than I offer my apologies.

  4. 1. Confusion

    2. There are co-host? I guess I should pay attention this year

    3. They all have big dicks.

    Bonus. Treasure Island Media

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