Dear Mom: I’m A Gay Porn Star, Cont’d

Last week, I asked gay porn stars about their experiences when they “came out” as adult performers to their friends or families. For some it was a double whammy–coming out not only as a gay porn star, but also as just plain old gay, too. Part one, featuring Steven Daigle and Riley Price, is here. Part two, in which we hear from Donny Wright, Shane Frost, and Conner Habib, is below.

Shane Frost:

I have been doing porn for about four years now. At first, it started off as a way to make some extra money; I never thought I would make a “name” for myself. That being said, I didn’t really tell anyone that I was doing it. Before I knew it, things took off and I was shooting porn more often than I expected to. I did not plan to tell anyone in my family.

I have a gay brother who is two years older then me, so, not to my surprise, he found some of my “work” online. THAT made for an awkward, yet comforting conversation. Comforting because he found out on his own, and I didn’t even have to tell him, LOL. He was cool with it and said it was our little secret. But…NEVER believe someone when they say that. I’ll admit, he did a good job of keeping it a secret for about three years. Earlier this year, when I was on the set of Falcon’s The Other Side of Apsen VI, I received a text message from him telling me that, in an in depth and drawn out conversation, he told my mother that I did porn. I am sure it was not too much of a surprise for her. Mothers ALWAYS know more then you think! That and the fact that I received over a dozen 1099 forms at my parents house last year! So needless to say, I don’t think she was too shocked.

My brother says he is proud of me–that I have made a name for myself and built up my name as a “brand.” My mother said to him that she is “okay” with it, she just doesn’t want to see anything happen to me, and she is a little worried that I may be degrading myself. (Lord knows, she should see me on the weekends, LMAO.) In any event, I have not talked to her about it, and don’t plan on it unless she brings it up. She hasn’t yet, and I’m crossing my fingers that it stays that way. The last thing I want to talk to my mother about is how many cocks I’ve had over the past year to pay the bills!

Donny Wright:

Actually, it was my brother who was the one who convinced me to get into porn. He saw an ad for it while he was job hunting on Craigslist, and he was like, “You’re already doing it for free–you might as well get that money! You’re not ugly, do you really care who sees you?”

I had gotten offers before and had friends in the industry, but never really seriously considered doing it. But then I reconsidered. So, I called one of my buddies and he introduced me to my agent, Howard at Fabscout. My first scene would be a solo for Randy Blue.

At a family dinner the next night, my mom overheard me talking to my brother about it. I smiled and told her I was gonna be doing some modeling. From the way I said it, she could tell what kind of modeling we were talking about. I told my dad and sister a few days later. In the end, my brother and sister thought it was cool. And my parents just wanted to make sure I thought it all through before I shot my first video.

I’m very fortunate to have a family that doesn’t judge but supports me with whatever I decisions I make in my life.


Conner Habib:

Luckily, anyone who knows me as well as my family does wouldn’t be shocked by the revelation.

I told my older sister first, and she said, “You know, that’s probably the exact right job for you.”

She’s amazing, well-intentioned, and a loudmouth.  At Thanksgiving on the East Coast, which I couldn’t attend, she ended up telling my whole family what my job was.

My 70-year-old aunt turned to everyone in the room and said, happily, “The key word here is ‘star!'”

12 thoughts on “Dear Mom: I’m A Gay Porn Star, Cont’d”

  1. Conner I LOVE your 70yo Aunt, such a cutie!

    It’s hard enough in this economy to get a job that pays ok so the fact
    that you guys are getting paid doing something you love is amazing.

  2. Without naming names of course, Zach did any of the performers that you asked to participate tell you that their families don’t know about their porn career?

    1. While several didn’t reply at all (which could mean any number of things), only one performer replied to tell me that his family didn’t know.

  3. Great stories, Conner’s aunt sounds like a hoot.
    I think Donny’s brother deserves a great big kiss for convincing him to do porn.

  4. I wouldn’t be proud or happy for a child or relative if they were doing porn, but as long as they were being safe and not under any duress, I’d support their desire to have fun/make a living.

  5. I missed the “coming out as gay” element in these 3 stories. That was interesting in the first article. For instance, I thought I read that Shane was straight(that might have been marketing). I still like this series better than Dawson Riley, Cody’s next stunt, or gay4payers drunk and groping boobs at PHX.

  6. This is SO much more interesting than anything Dawson Riley related. Thanks for this feature, Zack, I love it.
    Although that “how many cocks I have had to pay the bills” sentence made me sad. It is almost too pragmatic. I hope he still has fun !

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