Heklina ushered in a new era of sloppy drag with her break-out San Francisco party, Trannyshack. The party is dead, but Heklina is very much alive — and this interview is required reading. This fierce bitch may have kicked her addiction to booze and drugs a long time ago, but she remains a self-professed sex addict. In the excerpt below, Heklina talks about fucking in drag.
How do you cruise for men and what kind of guy do you like?I don’t really go on boy sites anymore. I have a lot of sex as a drag queen with quote straight men unquote. I find that I get turned off cruising for gay sex because so many of them are on drugs. I am attracted to straight men. Maybe that’s damage in a way but that’s just how it is. I wouldn’t want to fuck a drag queen. I’d be lying if I said that I wanted to be with a very effeminate man. I don’t. I want a butch man whose gonna slap me around and whatever.
So when you fuck men in drag is it more natural drag? Do you tone down your drag?
Oh yeah. It’s one wig I use. It’s much lighter make-up, smaller eyelashes, smaller breasts, no hip pads. Much easier. Panty hose with the crotch cut out of them. Panties. Just that kind of stuff. Turn the lights down very low. Light some candles. That kind of thing.
So it’s about the illusion?Yeah.
Do you use your dick with these men?
No I make it very clear I’m not into that.
You don’t want them touching your dick?
Right. Well most of my friends who are tranny hookers–99% of the guys they date wanna get fucked by a chick with a dick. So I am not into that but of course I’m not charging so I can say what I want. So I make it very clear, you know, don’t reply to this if you want to do anything other than get your dick sucked or whatever.
Read the rest here.
Heklina Kills Off Trannyshack With Drag Queen Mass Suicide
Hedda’s Rules of the Anus
Match the Drag Queen With Her Baby Pic
The Unabashed Heklina: Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Queen (The Unabashed Queer)
FIERCE! She rimmed me to completion on stage once. I live for the bitch.