One such instance came up just this morning, as evidenced by K.G.’s very own testimony to Page Six:
“I was supposed to be on ‘The View’ [today],” Kathy confessed. “But then I get a call from [producer] Bill Geddie and he says, ‘You were too mean to Barbara [Walters] on your last special, so you can’t come on.’ Can you believe it? I’ve been banned before, but never re-banned!”
Mr. Geddie, of course, is undoubtedly referring to the comedienne’s comments regarding Ms. Walters’s alleged preference for AstroGlide to resolve her recurring vaginal dryness in her recent Straight To Hell special on Bravo.
Alas, Kathy will never be banned in the hearts of the homos, which is why she seems the perfect choice for the cover of The Advocate‘s upcoming “Hollywood Issue,” in which Kathy lets spill some Hollywood moments that even her stand-up audiences have yet to hear. “I knocked on [Liza Minelli’s] hotel room door,” she told interviewer Corey Scholibo. “She opens it up. The room’s pitch black, [and] she’s chain-smoking in bed. I get in the bed with her like Michael Jackson, and we watch The Asphalt Jungle. There was a guy who had been at the restaurant the night before-he’s one of these guys who seemed completely gay to me but had the hot girlfriend. I said to Liza, ‘Did you get a gay vibe from that guy, or is it me?’ She goes, ‘How would I know? Look who I married.'”
Cue the knee-slapping! Unfortunate though it may be that she was unavailable for hosting duties at this year’s GayVN Awards, she is playing a conflicting show the very same night in the very same town, ironically, at the very same venue the awards were held in last year! This means if we can pull a Fred Flintstone and be two places at once, we can relive all of last year’s magic after all.
My Life on the Gay List (The Advocate)
Banned by Babs (Page Six)
Kathy Griffin Spreads ‘Em for The Advocate (Towleroad)