Real World’s Dustin Zito a.k.a. Spencer & His Gay Porn Fratmen Sex Tapes At The Fratpad

It’s Wednesday night, which means it’s time to capitalize on some traffic thanks to another episode of Real World: Las Vegas and the thousands of horny people who are now searching for Dustin Zito’s sex tapes. Welcome, perverts!

While “Dustin Zito sex tape” has been the number one search term here for two weeks, it’s slightly inaccurate. So, to those of you who watch MTV but apparently haven’t been on the internet for the past three months: Dustin Zito didn’t make a sex tape; he was paid to make hardcore gay porn. And you can watch some of Dustin Zito’s hardcore gay porn from the Fratmen house below.

First, a preview of Dustin Zito/”Spencer” and David. They blow each other in the shower and then jerk off together on a bed:

(Note: Don’t click the “play” button in the center of the video–it doesn’t work. Click the smaller “play” button on the bottom left of each video, next to the time code.)

Video of Dustin Zito/”Spencer” giving a fake news cast and showing off his asshole:

Dustin Zito/”Spencer” having a cock fight with fellow Fratmen Chase and Diego:

Dustin Zito/”Spencer” jerking off with a buddy:

Watch all of Dustin Zito/”Spencer’s” videos on Fratmen.


The Top Ten Gay Porn Animated Images Of Dustin Zito Having Gay Sex

Dustin Zito Gay Sex Tape Porn Video Real World Fratpad Spencer Big Cock

Exclusive: Dustin Zito’s Fratmen Co-Star “David” Speaks!

Was ‘The Real World’s’ Dustin Zito Underage When Fratmen Filmed Him Having Gay Sex?

Real World’s Dustin Zito (a.k.a. Fratmen’s Spencer) Had Lots Of Hardcore Gay Sex, But MTV Doesn’t Want You To See It

Dustin Zito Fucks A Pumpkin


19 thoughts on “Real World’s Dustin Zito a.k.a. Spencer & His Gay Porn Fratmen Sex Tapes At The Fratpad”

  1. Guys what he did is in his past everyone is not perfect do I agree with how he came about it no, I think he shoulda told her from the start but also its hard to tell someone that esp when its in porn let alone gay porn many people still turn their heads on the topic of homosexuality, How ever I do believe he is bisexual, but when his religous up brining hes torn into two, one from reality and two from his religious belifes. I feel bad for Heather, but i also feel bad for him to, I never did porn and never will, its not my place but I to was raised with relious vaules and have done the same thing on my views, being placed in two enviroments from your religous views that form a life of its own to your reality life style. Its very difficult to choose from the two and takes time to figure your self out, He may have issues but not ones that damge the rest of his life, people may not agree with it but they sure as heck better get over it!!! judge not for thow will be judged him self by the AlMighty God, Its not proper to call him names to throw him under the buss before you start bring others down look at your self in the mirror frist and realize youve dont crap that put you in the same place that hes in a rock and a hard spot… so shut up and support both of them, Heather and Dustin, Im so tired of people being mean and ridiculing others for what they did when theyve done shit just as bad. No one is better then anyone everyone is the same in Gods eyes so thats how we need to see it and accpet everyone for who they are and love them for them and support them no matter what mistakes theyve made, God forgives us everytime we sin as long as we have accpeted him into our hearts, we need to forgive him as well, we dont know what he was going through he might have taken that deal because he was in need of money, you can make more money in gay porn then you do in straight porn like thousands more, but its not about the money all they bull I’m reading on fb and all over the web with people slandering him, It needs to stop its pure bull. I support him and I will stand behind him because i know what is it like bieng alone with no one to talk to about an issue that someone will judge you and look down on you and that will change their opinion and how they look at you, it hurts its deffistating, you just want to hide or die…. hes a person to and deserves to be loved no matter what hes done so get over your judgmental views, get over your selfs. My gosh im so pissed at people for down grading him like hes not a person, im not perfect either ive made me mistakes but its made me more open minded to love everyone no matter what theyve done, and that includes Dustin! He did gay porn big wooptie doo if I was him I woulda done porn tom and I most likely woulda done the samething as he did told her when the time was right, you get to know someone over a period of years not Days or weeks or months, it takes years for trust to build up to know if theyll beable to handle it or not, and I left my fb link but if its not there here it is again for all you haters that have your own self righteous judgmental veiws and slandering thoughts about my opinions about all you jackasses.

  2. Of all the assholes I’ve seen on ‘The Real World’ over the years, this is the first literal one I’ve seen. :)

  3. There is no way a straight man could do gay porn without being totally disgusted and nauesus. If a Man would dispute that point then their is a part of that man that’s Bi. NO straight man would let another man get him up the butt. All straight men know this to be true and the “straight” men that doesn’t is deep down Bi himself. And thats’s the bottom line cause a real straight man said so.

    1. Our children are being thrown out of their homes by so called “Christians”. Brother, sisters, children, fathers, mothers uncles, aunts, ALL are subject to gay hysteria. What ever happened to the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in the gospels of the Christ?
      What would you do? Ever give a homeless person money? Did you do it without saying they are lazy or going to buy booze with the money? Every offer them a meal or your gloves or anything? Hypocrisy is a common trait of those judging the actions of others. Hubris is another. Who gave you the right to judge any of us? Only the Cosmic ALL has this power, not you. You are just another one of us, part of the human family. But for the Grace Of G_d go I. Remember that one?

      Survival instinct will make people do things necessary to stay alive. If I waved enough money in your face, would you ALWAYS say no? $1,000, $2,000, $5,000, $20,000, what’s your price? What’s the price to turn a “true straight man” more tolerant?

      Every one has an asshole but we don’t have to be one too!

      Judge not lest you be judged.

    2. It’s called viagra and getting paid. Believe it or not, there are straight men who do gay porn. What makes someone gay is a sexual attraction to the same sex, not popping a pill and having an orgasm with a member of the same sex for a paycheck.

  4. Um… So what he did gay stuff that does not change who the person is and all that he has done in his life lol not everyone get things handed to them or be pushed in what other may fell is the right direction lol he is an adult and he can do what ever he wants to do

    1. No it doesn’t change the person he is that he did gay porn. He’s still a douchebag gay porn or no gay porn.

  5. I just can’t get into the Dustin Zito schadenfreude anymore, Zach. I want to give him a hug & a puppy & a long run of therapy.

    1. i really cant belive he did that. i really think he is hot. i would toaly fuck him and iam super sexy and i know he would do it with me so get over him cook he is mine jk i love u cook u and nany are so pretty i loved ur hair in that ep. heather STOP being so dermadic like i would be really mad to but what the hell whaqts with the mixed singnels and i know this letter does not go to them but i hope they see it and this has nothing to do with the topic this faget just said

    1. OMG! I was totally not prepared for that picture! Zach and I share the same middle name, now if he would share some of his porn connections. Heh, heh!

  6. For a supposedly straight guy, he sure seems to be having fun.
    Closet case. He will get married to a woman,have kids and then leave her for a man.

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