Retired Porn Star Jayden Grey Is Now A Trumper Too

He can’t run from the wrong side. Former jailbird Jayden Grey’s proud Costco purchase is his Donald Trump shirt.

Yes, another one has drunk the Kool-aid.

Not that it comes as a surprise, but his latest tweet says it all: “Drain the swap! End the corruption the scandals and lies! the Clintons & democrats take blood money from those who harm GLBT! #VoteTrump”

And he attached a visual …

Does everybody remember Jayden Grey? After a loud exit from the porn industry back in 2011, he and his Southern California sugar daddy known as The Big C launched a porn site of their own, featuring themselves, which quickly folded. And then this past year the two of them got engaged, but apparently, they’re not the most awesome neighbors to have in Manhattan Beach…

As WEHo Confidential reports, Jayden — whose real name is Jared and who still tweets up a storm — and The Big C were both sentenced to 60 days in the county jail in Torrance after violating a restraining order filed against them by a neighbor, which is a gym.

Apparently, the couple had been bickering for a couple of years with the owner of the gym, called Level 10, which opened in 2012, generally about noise complaints against the gym. They then took it to full-tilt crazy by harassing members of the gym, videotaping them, and making threatening comments against the gym, to which the owner responded with a restraining order which they then violated. (See more details about another lawsuit below.)

They were sentenced to 60 days in the clink, but according to Jared/Jayden’s tweet below, they only served 20 of those days in January. And they’ve got two years probation.


But in happier news, look! They’re engaged! And they have pugsFrench bulldogs. And Jayden doesn’t have to get fucked on camera for money anymore.

Update: Jayden/Jared reached out to MAKE SURE I knew a REAL NEWSPAPER had covered the story about the noise complaints, and a court had upheld the complaint. The gym might have been evicted. Hoorah! And it only took 20 days in jail to get it done. See the clipping below, although the gym still appears to be open.

But here are some more details, via the Torrance Daily Breeze, about a lawsuit that Jayden/Jared brought against a Grammy-winning producer, Harvey Mason Jr., who’s a member of this gym, Level 10 Fitness. Apparently, there was an incident in October 2012 in which Jared was taking cell phone footage of the gym and Mason came out of the gym and grabbed his arm or something. Jared sued.

This clipping tweeted to me by Jared, may also be from the Daily Breeze.


Update 2: God this is exhausting. But here’s a more complete account of the story. It includes the detail that Jayden and The Big C “hosed down” a client at the gym and called her fat.

Featured Image from

40 thoughts on “Retired Porn Star Jayden Grey Is Now A Trumper Too”

  1. HAHA!!! I’m just now seeing this!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE Publicity!!!! Thanks ya’all!! Make sure to visit out amazing site– Love Always, Big C Himself– Cory :)

  2. So now they both have started pages on Onlyfans, and where they post videos of the two if them having sex and they get other porn stars, guys they know or meet to join them for group scenes, three ways, sometimes just one on one with Jared usually the one who is not participating. The vids are pretty fucking hot but If Jared is still a Trump supporter then I will not be renewing my subscription and feel that the word should get out as I am sure others would feel the same way. I can’t knowingly put money in the vank for someone who supports pathological liar Donald Trump.

  3. Oh the plight of the uneducated porn star is so … so … comedic (I’m laughing at the ridiculousness of Jayden’s assertions and his need to be in the right about everything that he’s hasn’t realized that the only trouble he’s experienced was the trouble he brought to himself all while being smug about everyone else.

  4. Some people want it all… Self entitled guys like these two always seem to have to be the center of attention, we get it, your using what little white privilege you have left to make a spectacle of yourselves whether you’re putting an extremely Large penis up your ass or complaining about noise to promoting a president who is as racist and homophobic as his followers. You people just expect everyone to smile and comply with your asinine decisions and actions and say your being witty and comedic when in actuality no one cares about your what you do and where your limited logic takes you. You’ve already given the gay community a bad name with your choice to follow a president who clearly detests the gays, but isit necessary to keep showing us the inside of your ass that is clearly as wide and as worn as The Grand Canyon…

  5. Teriek Williams

    Democrats are being real assholes. Anyone who doesn’t do exactly what they want is somehow a bad person with nefarious motives. It never occurs to them that good people can have different reasons for their decisions that perfectly legitimate even if others disagree. And they talk about tolerance. Learn it yourself before preaching to others.

    1. Well if Democrats are being assholes you only have the GOP to blame they provoked it with their lies and stealing of Supreme Court picks.

  6. Big C apparently is a pawnbroker in Inglewood. Not exactly a big time sugar daddy. Big C is the name of his pawn shop–you’d think Jayden could have gotten a bigger rock.

  7. Almost every post I see on this website has at least one comment about the models need to take their clothes off for money. It’s porn. Do you think they are going to do it for free? You wouldn’t be on this website if it weren’t for the pictures of good looking men sans clothes. I thank heaven that there are men who do this. So for every good looking man who has shed his clothes and had sex in front of the camera I thank you very much.

  8. Oh, I see now. After reading the longer article, I noticed all the clients of the gym interviewed were women. I imagine if this were a nice little place for ‘the boys,’ our little convicts would not have objected so much.

  9. Contrary to what’s stated in the news clipping, that 5-day notice the landlord served on Level 10 Fitness was not an “eviction notice.” It was a notice to either cure the breach(es) stated in the notice or else quit (surrender possession of) the premises within 5 days. A landlord can’t evict a tenant; only a court can evict a tenant.

  10. Oh that poor stupid thing, you still need to take your clothes off for money, you just need to do it for one person instead of hundreds.

    Just make sure to stay married for a few years and make sure to not sign a pre-nup. Because gay marriage has ruined everything for sugar daddies, before they could just dump you with nothing for a prettier, younger thing with no real consequence. Now you get to take half of his shit. MARRIAGE EQUALITY FOR ALL!! Too bad for older men with money. Can’t trade em’ in like you used to! Also watch out for common law marriage lawsuits too. Just because they don’t put a ring on it doesn’t mean you still can’t get a nice payday when they dump you for the newer, prettier version of yourself.

    Everyone else on here is really just pissed that they were either born too late, or too ugly to win the genetic lottery this dumb (or not so dumb) kid did. He used his looks to get what he wanted. Security, Luxury, Good sex (hell no one can deny that his sugar daddy is pretty hot considering what most sugar daddy’s look like) and attention. Everyone is just mad this kid gets to have his cake and eat it too. I mean we used to have the satisfaction of knowing that when the younger/ poorer guy gets a bit older he will be tossed aside like a used tissue for the next one with nothing but memories and some jewelry he can pawn. That’s all changed. Just don’t sign that pre-nup gurrrrl.

    I’m just pissed that bottom feeders like him can benefit from the idealism, passion and real work that activists and organizers and those who really deserve gay marriage (lesbians for the most part) put into getting marriage legalized. But in equality one cannot pick and choose who “deserves” or doesn’t. Big C. better never ever lose his money because now that marriage is legal for them, the sugar babies are the ones with the power.

    1. No way would I get married without a pre-nup; I have too much to lose. I’m not going to be a romantic fool and simply trust that the marriage won’t end in divorce. 50% of straight marriages end in divorce. The percentage is probably higher for gay marriages.

      I hope Mr. Mendelsohn has an attorney who advises him NOT to get married until AFTER Mr. Mitchell signs a pre-nup, and that Mendelsohn heeds the advice.

      1. Even with a pre-nup most gold diggers can still get a nice lump sum payout. Either way the sugar baby is the winner due to marriage laws changing. You just can’t toss them aside and get a newer model like you could in the past. Every sexy, good looking guy aged 20-30 needs to realize they are the one’s with the power. Get him to marry you and you are set.

      2. Divorce maybe in your country yes that’s the practice but not all marriage will be like it. Let’s not judge them love can made the impossible possible ok

      3. The Pornstar community is not known for having high IQ’s but they are known to be extremely narcissistic, on that note it’s odd that the whorish one would rather show the inside of his ass to the world instead of taking on a regular job like the rest of us, oh wait… He lacks logic and only thinks of himself. Some people want it all.

  11. These guys are a joke. Jayden is nothing but laughable and his Big C more like Big E for ego is nothing more than his pimp. I wonder if C went broke how long he and Jared would be together for…prolly about 15 minutes.
    Their sad site lasted longer then the relationship would thats for sure. I had forgotten they were still around and no one has missed them I’m sure.

  12. So the question to ask here Jayden is, did you ever get that (I’m sure made up gig) at Dolce and Gabbana as a fashion consultant?

  13. I remember Jatden/Jared from seeing him around town when he was first getting into porn. He was always so charming and friendly. Glad to hear he’s out of jail. Sounds like a really tough situation. Feuding with neighbors is horrible. I can’t even imagine what it’s like having problems with a the business next door.
    I hope he and his future husband have a very happy life together.

  14. True Jared and Big C did go a bit over-bored but they do have a legitimate complaint against Level-10 but, they have received some settlements from insurance companies over their issues. I believe this is a classic case of the little guy fighting a corporation with deep ties to the local elected officials. Good luck to Jared and his fiance (looking forward to the wedding pictures!)

  15. Happy for them, age doesnt matter. True love is the key and not “We had separated coz there wasnt intimacy in our relationship of 14 years by Adam Russo.” Stupid!

        1. I wasnt calling Adam Baran stupid but Adam Russo. Can you please not take too much drugs when you’re posting here @uptight84

  16. U guys should get your facts straight. And should have asked us to give u the full story! Xo ps our dogs are French Bulldogs not “Pugs”

    1. If you don’t like ‘taking your clothes off for money,’ why not consider getting a job, like a man does?

      You think you’re a winner, but you’re a loser.

      And always will be.


    2. J.W. Waxner-Herman

      I had meant to correct that about the dogs after looking closer, but forgot. By all means, Jared, please share your side of the story!!

    3. Jared could make a porn trilogy, the first called SAP, single anal penetration. The sequel will be called DAP, double anal penetration and the finale will be called TAP, triple anal penetration (because you’ve demonstrated you can do it) it could be promoted and made into a compilation and it will be called STD!!!!! Give out promo copies so gay trump fans can say, ” Jared give me an STD!!!” Everyone will want to have one of your STD’s. You can be like Oprah and give away your movie and shout, “You get an STD and you get an STD and you get an STD”!!!!!
      Hahaha hahaha

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