L.A.’s ridiculous “condoms-in-porn” law went into effect today (good luck enforcing it), and like L.A., neighboring Simi Valley doesn’t want bareback porn (or any porn, really) in their city either. They’re working on their own similar law, but there’s a twist!
Under its proposed law, the city would require producers to hire on-set medical professionals, who would attest to appropriate condom use. At the end of a shoot, the producers would have to send their unedited video to the police department, where employees would scrutinize it.
As noted earlier, productions have already started moving to Las Vegas. And I see today that some are going to Phoenix, too. As if the industry wasn’t hurting (if not dying) already, now studios are supposed to move their entire operations out of state while any amateur can film whatever he or she wants from the comfort of his or her own living room? Maybe we should start policing people with webcams?
Most of the bb fetishists complaining about the big, bad, heavy-handed government trying to suffocate their boners with red tape would sue the ass off their employer if they caught a chronic, lifelong illness in their own workplace.
I’m an RN. I will be MORE THAN HAPPY to work as on ON SET MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL to ensure the condom is on correctly. Sign me up!
lol “Condom Technician”!
I’m sorry, I just can’t get with all the moaning and groaning here. These performers are human beings, despite the comments often read on blogs like this, they deserve to be protected from on-the-job-hazards just like anyone else.
And I am SO FUCKING SICK of reading comments from “fans” who demand bareback, cause a condom “spoils their fantasy”.
I have two words for “fans” like that, and here they are…
Fuck you.
If you don’t like it then don’t watch, these performers know exactly what they are getting themselves into. They are adults and can make they’re own decisions. We’ve already had smoking banned from certain states and now we need a jackass like you to control what we watch on tv. I spend money to watch what I want to watch, if it’s a video I don’t like then I’m not going to watch it. Why bitch, moan and complain about something you disapprove to watch that others might enjoy. I have friends that hate horror movies and refuse to watch anything that is horror. Whats next, we going to banned horror movies cause we feel horror movies are causing people to kill. Seriously get over yourself and grow up. Next thing you know gay rights will be taken away. There are more important things to be concern about than what porn you see that bothers you.
How retarded
Only reinforces my opinion that California will be the first society in history to regulate itself into obscurity…
So a bunch of policemen are going to “scrutinise” porn together?
sounds like a great premise for a porn scene in itself.
Mike South who is a producer/journalist in the industry has some interesting takes on whether the industry will really leave and why they should comply with the law.
“Look at the guys I am expected to fuck, they are shooting up steroids, doing gay porn, doing trannys, doing gay escorting, do you really think I wouldn’t prefer to use a condom if I could?”
LOL! And it’s back to blaming those diseased gays again…
It’s actually an interesting point Mike South making, especially the part about how some performers, especially women, might have felt pressure to do condomless porn for fear of being unemployable by the raw-fuck demanding porn companies and their consumers. Certainly, if what he is saying is true, that STD rates are so much higher among industry porn performers, then beyond any health-insurance coverage they might offer, porn companies SHOULD be responsible as corporate, profit-making entities to protect the health and welfare of their employees. It could be that what started as a misguided, politically-fueled effort to assert a certain moral code over “evil pornography” could actually end up being a good thing for porn performers — helping to assure that millions of dollars aren’t being made at the expense of the health of vulnerable porn performers who just need a buck to pay the bills.
I prefer watching condomless porn myself, especially when watching het fucking, but, who knows, perhaps this new law will encourage, or provoke, porn makers to get more creative — to evolve and find hotter ways to turn people on than the usual dicking we see — that is, assuming they don’t want to make their same tiresome industry porn, but with condoms . . . and assuming they choose to stay in California rather than flee to the dearest shithole casino town.
Wasn’t that tried back in the late 80’s early 90’s when some “safe sex” porn videos were made? Two or more well known porn stars (men) kissing rolling around naked then jacking it on each other. They were ok, but still….
His assumption that STD rates are higher in adult performers is flawed. Sure it is, when you consider the general population that includes children and senior citizens.
It is actually lower when compared to the same demographics. i.e. young, sexually active adults.
Basically an excuse to get free porn. More practical than downloading illegally!