Gay Porn Star Devon Hunter Gets Self-Gay Married, To Himself!

Devon Hunter is a gay porn star who is known for getting in a big fight with when the studio told him he was “too gay.” Now, he will be known as the gay porn star who got self-gay married to himself in his living room.

In accepting his proposal (to himself), Hunter writes:

I have placed a diamond band on my finger… I plan to court myself; I will take solemn vows before a spiritual mentor (as well as family and friends) to love, honor, and cherish myself; and I will take myself on a honeymoon. I do all this for a very practical reason: I have chosen my boyfriends very poorly. I had no ability to be successful in a relationship. I gave until my integrated wellness was bankrupt. […] By going through this structured ritual of falling in love with myself, testifying before witnesses to honor myself, and beginning a new life as a person empowered to command respect, I am forcing myself to abide by the vows I will make.

I support Devon Hunter’s need to indulge himself in himself (if there’s anyone who can relate to being self-absorbed, it’s me), but I’m not sure that I’m fully on board with the legalization of self-gay marriage. I would be more comfortable with a self-civil union, to be honest. After all, what’s next? A dog self-marrying himself? A dolphin self-marrying herself? And what about self-divorce? Who is entitled to all the property and financial assets in a self-divorce? And what about the children of a self-divorce? Please, think of the children.

All doubts aside, congratulations to the happy single! Here’s Devon Hunter’s marriage ceremony (a.k.a. Eyes Wide Shut starring Stuart Smalley).



17 thoughts on “Gay Porn Star Devon Hunter Gets Self-Gay Married, To Himself!”

  1. I just celebrated 10 years with myself! It was definitely the right decision. Protected me from some altogether terrible choices. Plus my rings are still stunning, and the mask is glittering in the window as I type this. What’s the gift for the tent year?? I forgot to look it up… Lemme Google it: I owe myself another gift for putting up with myself for so long.

  2. Sean cody suck’s gay for pay sucks if your not gay stay the hell away from gay porn !.and what do they mean to gay is it not gay porn ? Sean cody needs to be shut down ! I feel they portray the gay community in a bad way . I think devon is doing the right thing sean cody is in the wrong !

  3. I’m not sure what happened but this story was really tame compared to everything else Zach writes. I’ve come to expect more from Zach and his viewpoints.

  4. Shadow Sterling

    With the question of all persons being “allowed” to marry in this Country and this being the day before the 4th of July where we celebrate our personal freedoms I believe this is a most timely and relevant piece of performance art.

    If you read Mr. Devon Hunters personal blog he states the “act of marrying himself” is not a denigration on marriage but the act of getting to know ones self before you can accept someone else into your life. It would certainly be a novel idea if everyone would do that before they move in together, marry, or try to raise children.

    It is a well known fact that people who do not take the time to resolve past hurts and inner turmoil tend to vent their frustrations on others.

    This world would be a very interesting place indeed if we all took the time to heal ourselves first.

  5. I’ve been following Devon’s progress, and I think that this is his way of saying “I’m happy with being me, and I’m not going to look outward for my happiness” He is a performance artist, and ritual is a performance art. This is just another way that he can have his real friends around and have them support him. Good for him. He’s really in touch with himself and doesn’t care what others think.

  6. I could only watch about 5 minutes of it. If you’re going to do “Rosemary’s Baby” at least have Ruth Gordon somewhere in there. Dammit.

  7. What fun performance art! Leave it to Devon to put so much effort into entertaining/challenging his followers.

    I wonder if he is going to film his honeymoon also? (Mr is is right hand and Mrs is his left?).

    Congratulations Mr and Mr. Devon!

  8. I’m agreeing with Sean Cody now…he’s too gay.

    It’s funny on a television show when you marry yourself, but when it crosses into reality it just seems sad and pathetic like you’re wanting attention.

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