gayest super bowl ever

Gayest Super Bowl Ever?

Lady Gaga slayed it. Abby Wambach sold it. Beyoncé owned it. And the Broncos’ won it. Was Super Bowl 50 the gayest ever?

Little could be more appropriate to wear when singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” than a glistening pant suit with matching shoes and make up. Lady Gaga did a lot more than look the part. She demonstrated once again her Oscar nomination and six Grammy’s were not honorary. International Business Times summed up her performance as, “The “Born This Way” crooner mesmerized fans as she hit every note and even thumped her chest towards the end of the song, just before six fighter jets flew overhead.”

The NFL is just a little territorial over usage rights. You can watch Lady Gaga belt it out here. said, “The must-watch [Super Bowl] commercial of 2016 is the #DefyLabels ad from Mini Cooper.” “‘This is a ‘gay car,'” out soccer star Abby Wambach says, with air quotes for emphasis. Adding, “I’ve been called a girl, tomboy, dyke, a lesbian, a butch, bitch. A lot of them. And I don’t care.”

Of course, Super Bowl commercials are second to the halftime show. And Beyoncé is second to no one. Coldplay and Bruno Mars were ultimately reduced to her opening acts. All eyes and ears were tuned in for her new song, “Formation.”


As the NY Times wrote, “Only Beyoncé could use the Super Bowl, perhaps the largest stage in the country, to showcase new material. She also announced a new world tour right on the heels of the performance. In so doing, she was arguing, in essence, that the halftime show was there to serve her, not the other way around.”

Only Beyoncé indeed.

Was it really the gayest Super Bowl ever? OutSports sure seems to think so. What about you?


Yep. Definitely the gayest Super Bowl ever!

The back story to this also includes a stealth shout-out to Black Lives Matter as well as the LGBTQ Community. has a excellent article worthy of your time: The Secret Meaning Behind Coldplay, Bruno Mars and Beyoncé’s Halftime Performance.

2 thoughts on “Gayest Super Bowl Ever?”

  1. In 2013 Madonna was on a gold throne, pulled on the field by a legion of muscle boys in gladiator outfits while singing “Vogue”. I think that’s a contender too.

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