In the past two years, outspoken (understatement of the year) performer Jayden Grey has been in as many Twitter wars as he has porn scenes, but that’s all about to end since his announcement last week that he was leaving gay porn and embarking on a new career. What, if anything, does he regret about the past two years, how should the industry evolve if it wants to survive, and which porn star can go ahead and fuck off? Jayden Grey tells all in his exclusive Sword exit interview below.
The Sword: A lot’s happened in two years! Let’s start in the beginning for those who don’t know. Your first work was with CollegeDudes247?
Jayden Grey: No, actually it was for, and then I did CollegeDudes247.
Right. That’s what I meant. CitiBoys. And in summer 2009 you met Grant Roy, Brent Corrigan’s former lover/manager?
Yeah, I met Grant Roy at the Grabbys in 2009. He offered to fly me out for the summer to shoot a movie, but I ended up wasting my summer with him out in San Diego.
Why was it a waste?
Well, finally I ended up shooting and got to do the movie, but before it happened we had a falling out. I didn’t shoot the movie until the summer was over.
Are you and Grant still friends?
It’s good now, we talk and get along fine–now that he’s got a boyfriend. He had some other ideas about us when I was down there with him, but I was there to do business. We clashed a lot. The rumor at the time was that he was using me to get back at Brent [Corrigan]. At least, that’s what people were telling me.
So how did you move on from working with him to doing the other movies?
I met Fabscout Howard during Palm Springs Pride and he helped make everything happen.
And you were working for a lot of studios. Which were the best, and why?
Getting to work with Falcon and Titan was great. I really enjoyed working for them, and I wish them the best. They brought out a different side of me.
What do you mean, “different side”?
They brought out my personality and were just able to capture the best of me. They know what they’re doing, unlike Suite 703 or other lower class studios.
I was about to ask what some of your bad experiences with studios were. So, tell me.
Basically, a lot of studios just need to get their shit together. They’re disorganized and unprofessional. On a Suite 703 shoot, I was working with this Asian kid, Niko Reeves, and we had to keep stopping constantly because he didn’t douche. Plus, he couldn’t stay hard. In between takes he kept eating these sour gummi worms to get hard.
Yeah, I don’t know. He was like, “These sour gummi worms help me get hard.”
And then on another shoot, with Tucker Scott, he was over-douching and still wasn’t getting clean. That one took forever, too. It was like an hour.
To be fair, that sounds like individual issues with models more than a studio’s fault.
No, everyone should be prepared, and it’s the studios’ job to prepare people. Everyone is always taking too many breaks. This whole industry is just really unprofessional.
What was your absolute worst experience with a studio?
The Hot House experience was one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had to deal with. [Performer/director] Christian Owen is a piece of shit. He knew that I had a mohawk before I flew up to shoot with them, but when I got there he was talking openly about how it had to go, how I had to cut it. He should’ve told me to cut it before I flew up there.
So who actually told you to cut it?
No one actually told me, but I could hear them talking about how I had to cut it. They weren’t behind closed doors or anything and they were all just talking about it. So I left.
And then it all exploded on Twitter.
Do you think you have a short temper?
Sometimes, but I feel like people come at me because they know I have a short temper. They know how to get a rise out of me, and they’re jealous cause I grew in this industry faster than most have.
Do you think the public feuds and Twitter meltdowns you’ve had ended up helping or hurting your career?
I think they made me a bigger star. I got picked to be in a Titan movie like right after the Hot House thing.
So, no regrets?
If there were anything to take back, it would be some of the things I revealed that maybe shouldn’t have been public.
The Rentboy thing.
You essentially live-tweeted your hookup with a Rentboy client, and even posted photos and videos of him. Were you worried about other clients seeing this and thinking, “I’m not gonna hire someone who doesn’t respect my privacy”?
I didn’t worry at all because the client gave me permission to tweet and post everything I did. I think people made a big deal about it because I’m always honest about everything. People wish they could be like me and just not give a fuck. I’m getting publicity, and they’re not.
You’ve had issues/relationships with a lot of performers. Let’s go through them, and you tell me where things stand now. Brent Corrgian?
We don’t even talk. He does his thing and I do my thing. He never really had any desire to have anything to do with me. He just wasn’t having it.
Brandon Wilde?
We had a fight a while ago, but we’re really close now. We have each other’s back. He’s like my little brother.
Austin Wilde? Weren’t you kind of a couple?
We were fucking, not really a couple. We don’t talk as much now, but we’re still friends.
Now that you’re retiring, will you still stay friends with people in the industry?
Yes. People like Jesse Santana, Rob Romoni, Howard, Cliff Jensen…they will always be friends. But, I’m not calling this “retiring.” I’m taking a new path. I can’t do porn for the rest of my life. It’s what you do to make ends meet. I mean, what are you gonna do once you get to the top? There’s nothing left. It’s tragic.
A lot of porn stars will say they’re leaving the industry but then they’ll come back six months later. Are you gonna do that?
No. But if I do come back, it’s only because I need money.
What porn stars working today do you think should retire?
I’m not gonna name names. But there are a lot of older people who just aren’t attractive anymore. It’s like, why are they still doing porn? Why are these companies using them over and over again? And some of them are “exclusives”!? None of these studios want to change anything. Look at Falcon, for example. They’ve been using the same faces for years.
They’ve brought on some new exclusives though. Landon Conrad last year. Samuel Colt a couple years ago.
Yeah but that’s it. Roman Heart might still be young, but he’s been an exclusive forever. Once you see someone fuck that many times, it’s like, come on. At least have them do something new. Have them do some fetish shit, not the same old “fuck on a box” or “fuck on the ground.”
Alright. So you’re not doing porn anymore. What are you going to do for work?
Right now I’m trying to get a job with Dolce and Gabbana as a fashion consultant.
That sounds hard. Don’t you have to have experience in the fashion industry?
Not really. It’s just being able to match up colors and styles to different people’s personalities and skin tones.
If you get the job, would you be staying in California?
Yeah, but I’d be going to Milan for fashion shows and stuff, and doing a lot of things in New York.
The Grabbys are next week, and you’re nominated for Best Newcomer. Are you going?
Yeah, I’m doing the Grabbys.
What will you say if you win?
I’m gonna say what’s on my mind, and tell a couple people to fuck off.
Riley Price. He’s an egotistical asshole.
We worked with him and he was totally fine. Why don’t you like him?
He came up to me when I was having dinner in L.A. and started talking shit to me. He got in my face and just wouldn’t leave me alone. He thinks he’s gonna win at the Grabbys.
You’re both nominated for Best Newcomer.
Well despite the drama over the years, you’ve still done a lot of good work that a lot of people have liked. Are you proud of what you’ve accomplished?
Yes. I never thought I’d be at this stage or would have gone this far. I’ve worked my ass off and I’ve achieved what I wanted to do, even though people always had shit to say.
What do you mean?
It seems like everybody has had it out for me. They’ve made comments about my body, my attitude, and everything. They’ve made me work harder to prove them wrong.
What do you say to the fans, to the people who have always supported you?
I would always say thank you, and that I’ve always appreciated their support. They know that I’m going to do bigger and better things, and I hope that they come along for the ride and follow me in my new career.
Thanks Jayden, I look forward to seeing you at the Grabbys!
Wow I remember this little twat back when he lived in Iowa. It’s pretty hilarious to see he’s criticizing people by name for not being clean considering the fact that he got shit all over my dick when I fucked him in his apartment in Iowa City. One of my friends tried to go on a date with him and said he was so into himself it was almost nauseating……sounds like some things never change. It became widely known here in Iowa City that all you had to do was throw a $20 his way and he’d spread his legs for you because apparently he had legal fines he was trying to pay off. Once he discovered guys would pay him for sex he decided he would go to CA and really cash in. He was a cute kid – too bad his personality was/is shit. If he had a little humility and less attitude he could have accomplished so much more.
he actually sounds like the worst human being in the whole world
ps – i love her dumb and dumber haircut in that pic with the old man – i’ll give her points for flying that look
have no clue who this pussy is, but she’s a nasty little viper! so weird when you’re just cruising through life and you’ll run into someone who is completely delusional about their attractiveness/sex appeal. this poor lil’ critter is apparently one of them. no one’s jealous of you miss thang, it’s ok, calm down….
well, he may not be the most attractive…and he may not be the nicest…but he certainly knows what he’s doing on camera. and when it comes to porn, that’s probably the only thing that counts.
While reading this interview, it kept reminding me of my sister before she became a total nutcase who claimed her father was Howard Hughes. Like her, Jayden never is in the wrong. Like her, she picked fights where none was needed. Like her, he apparently never has a friend with whom he does not soon have a falling out. Like her he claims to be totally honest except that he never is wrong or makes a mistake. Like her, he seems to think he shits gold bullion. Dolce & Gabbana?!! He has as much chance of becoming an international style consultant with them than my dead father. Like her, he believes he has a lot more potential than he really does. She seemed to think that despite leaving school in the midst of grade 10 and never attempting to complete her GED that she was qualified for an executive position because our mother is English. It seems that the only talent he has is being a total gaping asshole of the universe. I hope he doesn’t end up the same way she has – homeless.
Where does he get off calling anyone ugly? He does not strike me as particularly attractive. I am a little surprised he appeared in a Falcon or Titan video. They generally have men who are fit and hung rather than just one or the other. His face is at best average, and his body is nothing special at all. Perhaps his cum has a particular quality that acts as a soporific or hypnotic.
Gee, what these prostitutes say is really important…..just suck the cock and take it up the ass…and shut up !
I loved Jayden and would do anything to have sex with him but, this interview is disappointing.
Hey this is Niko Reeves. I just read about what Jayden wrote and let me tell you my side of the story. From the start we didn’t see eye the eye on things. he was in a hurry to get to another job during our shoot and also there was really no chemistry. Being a porn star for years and of course getting ready to bottom I was totally clean. That wasn’t the problem. during the shoot I had to stop because I think i had a cut and I felt blood in my fingers so I had to tell the director to come into the bathroom and check on me. Its better to be SAFE RIGHT? Also during the shoot I wasn’t feeling so good but being a professional that I am i try to please everyone and make them happy. about getting hard….of course I can stay hard that wasn’t the problem. Just watch the suite 703 video and you’ll see. about the sour gummi worms…..I have a sweet tooth…..just like everyone else during our breaks….some like water some like gum some like pepsi…well I like candies.
Someone needs to give his mouth a good doucheing!
I thought I watched a lot of porn; maybe I just don’t pay enough attention to the performers (although I think the opposite is true, if it’s someone I think is hot). I don’t read the Twitter much, so although I’ve heard of this guy, if I ever saw him, he was unmemorable.
But with Ken Ryker and Clay Maverick making noises about coming back, I’d take the best that this guy will be back. They always come back.
But would that NakedSword had the “that mohawk’s gotta go” conversation with Tony Buff in that Golden Gate “Mormon” scene with Riley Price.
This guy is a piece of shit! The only new career a skank like this filth can have is from porn star to street corner hooker. I hate it when shits like this let you see how racist they really are, and show that they are from the bottom of the barrel. If race is not important to him then why refer to Niko Reeves as “asian kid”, but when he talks shit about Christian Owen, he doesn’t say nothing about him being a “white kid”.
In the first sentence of the interview, it was made known that Jayden is not only outspoken, but combative. Hey, there is a difference between being controversial in a way that may advance a cause and there is the controversial in the way that exposes the fact that you’re just a negative prick. Too bad Jayden fell in to the latter category. Having class is a virtue in any occupation or endeavor you may find yourself in. Porn may not be your typical Norman Rockwell Americana image. Still it is legal and a multi billion dollar industry. Those that will survive, flourish and maybe even dominate an industry will be those that are respected or feared: Jayden, you fit neither category.
Price comes out on top.
I am ONLY responded to this because someone decided it might be funny to pose as me already on here. I don’t care about this enough to respond to Jayden’s childish attempt to “finally” attack me out of his jealous rage all this time. But will say that it is sad Jayden doesn’t tell you how it was another Hot House moment for him and the director killed the scene that day because of his yelling and his anger scared them to the point they thought he would kill us all because he planned so many other things in his day and allowed only three hours to film a full scene and for the director to set up/pack back up/ and drive carless Jayden all the way back across LA during pride weekend for Jayden to do a booth at Pride. Jayden, that is the unprofessional part that you left out of your interview about how to be “professional” in the industry. The day we would never see your face again, could not have come sooner! Unfortunately, we all know you are far from being “really” gone.
Zack – if you see any comments come through with the name Tucker Scott attached to them in any way, please know that is NOT me and should not be approved. You know why I am saying this already. There is a reason why REAL media sources do their facts checking before as assisting in promoting such cruel jealous attacks. Jayden we all know is not a happy person and he is jealous of a lot of people that are happy in life. It’s simple nothing more than that.
The Real Tucker Scott
Tucker, this is an interview with JAYDEN GREY, not a news story that should be taken as fact.
And thanks for clarifying that “Tucker Scott’s Enema” isn’t really you.
What saddens me the most here is the reminder that these two people who obviously couldn’t stand each other had to have sex for their work. I am a big fan of porn and I don’t feel sorry for them as they know what they are doing but this is still the sad fact of porn. I would be quite curious to hear a “Casting director” explain how they choose to pair people – and why more attention is not paid to who is or is not attracted to others.
Also, a nice PR advice for porn stars. Say as little as possible in general and take the high road. Really. Even if you are the nicest of guys, speaking in anger only makes you look like an idiot – rightfully or not.
I don’t know or care about the kill threats story but I totally believe the three hours story. I thought it was such a strange comment Jayden made in his interview about doing things in an hour. I have never shot porn but I would never expect it to be “swift”
Oh I get it – D&G = Dumb and Gullible. He could be their poster boy!!
Who is HE to call me a douche?
I think he could work for D&G. That lemon colored tank looks fierce with his black eye! LMFAO
Go Riley!
I like Jayden, he speaks his mind… that’s rare in an industry of fakes.
Porn-stars are awful… its hard not to shit talk most of these kids….
Hey didn’t I just read something about you chopping off your dick?
Leave the man alone, he has Every right to say what he said, why because people need to know what goes on in the porn industry, even guys who wants to do porn, i see it as a guide if u want to be a porn star your going to have to deal with the ass-holes the lieing back-stabbing and the drama. if you dont want to deal with it dont do porn if you can over-look it then hey do it.
Wow, this guy is a pure egomaniac.
He’s going to find out shortly that his drama, ego and disrespect just aren’t worth it to anyone, let alone Dolce and Gabana. He hasn’t developed any skills or value beyond sex, so don’t expect Milan to call anytime soon.
What kind of diva is too precious to cut her tired-ass mohawk for a month? It’d grow back (but still wouldn’t be fashionable). He can’t live with something different for a month? What a twat. Who needs him? Who’s worth all that trouble?
And who thinks performing in pornos is such an outstanding achievement, anyways? You haven’t reached “the top,” you have sex and take pictures of it, big deal. You owe your looks to your genes and you’re not special, you’re a dime a dozen.
As far as the O’Toole trashing Spencer Fox…what does he care if a guy is a bit femme? S.O’T. is a strict top–his job is to insert hardon into gaping sphincter. Furthermore, I recall reading an interview he did stating he preferred to work with “gay” guys or “bi” guys because they had better energy for him than working with men who identify as “straight”. For someone like S.O’T., being around someone who is a bit femme is a plus professionally since it is a pretty good indicator that the hole you are about to stick is attached to a “gay” guy.
I mean, if I didn’t know jayden, I’d have said this was the best Fictitous Interview ever. But, Jayden, thank you for these gems.
His carreer aspirations crack me up. Wonder how far he’ll get with DandG. He has below average looks. If I saw him in a bar I’d walk right by. Any comparison between he and Riley is a laugh. I love Riley
How does one “over-douche”? Doesn’t that make your asshole cleaner than clean? Why would that be a bad thing?
You can get intestinal cramping, and your hole gets too sensitive for sex.
I love the bit about viagra gummi worms. You have now entered the Twilight Zone.
Hm. The argument that, “Those straight guys act like asshats, so we can’t criticize a gay guy who acts like an asshat,” is kind of a non-starter with me. Basically, Jayden Grey has made a habit of acting unprofessionally in a business context. I don’t see any problem with criticizing someone who acts unprofessionally, on a website dedicated to the industry he works in.
I’m not surprised Suite 703 is a bad company, their porn has the hottest guys with the worst action in the entire world.
Well, if you look at their recent output (say, for the past few months), I certainly wouldn’t say “hot” men let alone “hottest”. Once upon a time their casting was good but lately it has been bottom of the barrel and I am not surprised they have “suspended” updating the site. I don’t know if they are professional behind-the-scenes but they hadn’t been putting out anything decent or hiring good looking models for a while.
I agree with the lack of quality at Suite 703. They had some hot scenes when they began and some really awesome models, but it has gone steadily down hill. I kept a membership for about a month or so, but when the quality of the content and the models began to tank, I cancelled. I think most of the hotter models went to other studios, cuz I still see them working, just ont for Suite 703.
And I gotta say, I am not up to date with everything going on in the gay porn industry, but i will miss Jayden Gray.To me, he is a hot guy with a big personality. Granted, I do not know him personally, we have never met, and I don’t read a lot of blogs about gay porn stars, but I liked his scenes, very much. I have met guys twice as ugly as Sasquatch with worse personalities than Jaydens.
Geez, where to begin with this one. Jayden Grey is a pot-warped, egotisitcal asshole. Sorry, Jayden, but you were never God’s gift to gay porn, you were just a jerk who thought he was better than everyone and whose shit didn’t stink. The only thing you’ll be remembered for is sticking your dick into a frozen turkey. Do us all a favor and never come back.
I agree with Estelle, as a viewer and not involved in the industry all I can say is Jayden was a real asset to gay porn. A hot young gay man who had hot gay sex on camera. It says at lot about the biz where gay 4 pay models are lauded and idolized over gay models that so many insiders should bitch about Jayden, while straight models are give a free pass to be as obnoxious as they wish.
There is a strong stink of internalized homophobia about many of these negative comments.
Actually, if you look at the comments, he is not criticizing any gay4pay models but ONLY gay/bi models. He is however good friends with a g4p model: Cliff Jensen (one of my favorites in fact). So you may want to revisit “the internal homophobia of the comments” comment.
There are countless gay models who are excellent performers. There are also several g4p models that are very very good.
Show me the gay4pay models that had similar meltdowns and got away with it (as in not loosing fans, still getting jobs). Because I can count at least 10 gay models who had public meltdowns directed at the industry, studios or other performers and got away with it. In fact, the only model I know who got seriously kicked because of his public statements was Diesel Washington – and the painful fact is that he was right (black models are discriminated against in this industry, several major studios don’t give a shit about protecting their models) and his meltdowns were quite mild by comparison.
Lets see Randy- Malachi Marx, Jason Adonis, Ryan Rockford for starters. Jason Crystal continued to get work even as he burned bridge after bridge until he couldn’t get work anymore.
This shit goes on in the straight porn world all the time. Among other things that have come out of the straight porn industry through twitter and industry forums-male talent accused of showing up on the set with pus dripping out of their cocks, women with vaginal odor issues, challenges to fight, complaining publicly that someone showed up on a set with herpes lesions or genital warts, accusations of stealing, not being paid, etc…
Anyone who tries to pin this type of behavior solely on gay male talent is clueless.
The exit interview was interesting to say the least. Very entertaining really. If you try to keep an open mind and see his side you can for a bit. But then he opens his mouth and shit comes out again to say and you feel like your seeing a HS JOCK FOOTBALL PLAYER QUATERBACK we all knew back in school. Maybe or maybe not be very talented to the casual eye and being the total package on surface (public consumption). But then the flaws start to show up when you talk to his cheerleader GF. He is rather much a meathead weekend drinking pot smoking (shhh nobody knows) DIPSHIT. Only now he is out and in the real world and named Jayden Grey. And when people question him or his views, rather then enlighten them as to why he has them so they could better understand him. He cops an additude and is like “it is not my fuckin job to explain shit!” “go fuck off!”. Well folks did I pretty much get it right? Even when you try to understand him, he screws it up and does not care being UBER ARROGENT to poeple. It is funny he wishes to work for DG as he will fit right in with the other queens and runway models with additude there. Good fit. And the statement he did not think it a hard job to have when asked speaks VOLUMES of his arrogence. “Most anybody can do that job”. Just throw some fabric sqwatches at a model based on skin tone” “whats to know?”. I hope reality hit him hard soon just like it should have on the football field back inn the day when the DEFENSIVE LINE sorta just laid down and took a nap one game. And he coulda/shoulda got hit by the freighttrain coming his way.
I knew him from age 8 on. He’s always been a little overdramatic :-) But he also was never in a positive spotlight. He was excluded from a lot of things. I know what you mean, that you’re just using it as an example, but it made me laugh out loud to read you liken him to the football player. Oh man. He has been through a lot. Small town Iowa isn’t exactly open-minded…
He used to irritate me but now I’m amused by his bluntness. He’s like the Larry David of the porn world.
Reading this as a professional, this man needs help.
I’ve also read his Tweets and they’re a virtual meltdown, loaded with warning signs.
Volatile relationships, using sexuality to attract attention, outright bizarre behavior, narcissistic comments, blaming everyone else for everything…
Projecting by rudely slinging salcacious unflattering dirt at everyone in his path.
Yet he continues to crave any kind of attention, even if it’s hate filled.
All of it, attempts to project a persona of superiority, which stems from his own self hate.
He’s not a jerk, he’s ill. Without help, he will hurt someone or self destruct.
If you’re his friend, support him in getting help.
You just described a big chunk of the people that work in the porn industry.
Professional what? Baseballer?
He actually said “I’ve worked my ass off”. Dude probably didn’t see one bit of irony in that statement..hell he probably wouldn’t know the meaning of irony. Well I have seen him working his ass…the trouble was the limp dick and saggy nut sack that ruined the scene. He should take his delusional ass off to Milan. Maybe he’ll find some “client” to pay his way, but I somehow doubt Dolce & Gabbana will be calling.
Oh, Jayden! :)
As rude as he is, most of what he’s saying is true!
Fashion consultant at Dolce??? LOL, he’s clueless and clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
bitch-bitch-bitch! Between Jayden Grey and Eric Rhodes…..I can’t tell who is more miserable.
Still talking about that mohawk incident? Hopefully, at Dolce and Gabanna he can grow it back, I hear it’s all the rage in Milan.
How typical of gay porn. “Best Newcomer” . He’s been around for years. And now he’s retiring.
“Right now I’m trying to get a job with Dolce and Gabbana as a fashion consultant.”
What is this crap? He’s going to work at the fragrance counter at Macys? He’s not even qualified for that.
Well you can’t say he isn’t going out with a bang! He’s always been a little TOO honest, but yikes now the image of Tucker Scott and Niko Reeves not being clean back there is burned in my brain. Erik Rhodes told the same stories about Billy Brandt, Jason Adonis, and Tony Capucci.
He’s always been a drama queen and in the porn industry that trait crosses gender, race and sexual orientation RandyN. Samuel O’Toole recently ripped newcomer Spencer Fox for being feminine among other things. I saw very little negative comments posted about that. Randy Blue continued to let Malachi Marx film with them even after he made disparaging about working in porn and Chi Chi LaRue was for a brief period of time give Dawson Riley a second chance after his nasty comments about the industry.
Come to think of it, in an industry that for the most part, has zero issues with murderers, homophobes, felons, theifs, women and elderly abusers among its ranks I think Jaden Grey’s interview is relatively mild in the big picture.
OK I will swim against the tide here. I generally am keen on pointing out when Jayden is a jerk but however harsh this interview was, I didn’t feel anything was really out of line and I rather enjoyed it. So there you have it. Jayden brought more drama than he was worth – and his piss-fest with HH and Owen is ridiculous – but hey, this wasn’t the worst interview he ever done drama-wise and certainly the smartest content-wise. Good luck to him.
Right. Right after I defend him, I see he is on Twitter bitching at Zach as if he “made” the interview look worse. If you are going to call ppl out, don’t bitch out afterwards if you don’t like the fallout. Geez. As someone said, you weren’t “trying to be nice”. Trying to be nice would have been not mentioning any bad experience except in the broadest terms. That’s what most people who retire do. Now, I actually enjoyed a bit of honesty and didn’t think it was too harsh overall but chickening out and lying reminds us that yes, Jayden Grey is … not a likeable person.
Personally had I been a pornstar paired with him by a studio, I probably wouldn’t have douched either – out of spite
I’m sorry, this is all I could think of.
why is it that most gay porn stars are little petty fighting bitches?…..bunch of low life drama queens who suck dick for cash.
OMG, wouldn’t it be funny if Riley Price and Jayden Grey BOTH won Best Newcomer!??!? On stage together… sharing an award!!
Oh fuck, I CAN’T WAIT until next week.
Front row seat.
Is this THE Samuel Colt??? If so, you’re extremely hot and I love your scene with Jim Ferro! Can’t wait to see your scene with Erik Rhodes, and I hope it’s a flip-flop scene!
Speaking of Erik Rhodes, this isn’t much different than what Erik Rhodes posts online. And tbh the whole douching thing is sick. Most of the major studios have people who make sure that everyone does it. That is just being sanitary.
Jayden Grey,
You are a certified jerk and if you see me out do not approach, just ignore me, just stay away, and what ever you do don’t touch me, you are a creep.
Thank You so much,
Ross Cannon
So…yesterday Michael Lucas wrote a column condemning gay men fawning over straight men…today Jayden Grey speaks about professionalism….and we spell hypocritical with an H.
He calls Riley Price an egotistical asshole…I only see what I read on blogs and twitter and behind the scenes footage….when I think assholes Riley does not come on top…but Jayden is damn close there. I give it to you, Riley does almost seem to try to hard. But he is trying to be the best that he can, not the bitchiest that he can. The “im a bitch trafic” is not driven by admiration but by morbid curiosity. Don’t confuse that to having fans.
“But if I do come back, it’s only because I need money.” – as opposed to the rest of people who un-retire who do it because…I’m drawing a blank here.
Zach, when I saw the tweet about this interview I wanted to write back: “all as in everything or all as in “everything that I can say without spoiling my chances to come back next year”. Guess what….is the second. It’s not everything, it’s a “let me settle some scores”.
I am not sure Riley Price should have replied on his blog. I was agnostic on the comparison between the two of them until then. Now I still don’t know if RP is a rude asshole (maybe he is very nice) but now I can clearly tell he *is* egoistical.
Direct quote: “.if you arent as good as me and cant keep up with with me to the point to where you feel your washed up. I stomp and help create in this industry as you have clearley been dissolved. …”
Ooooh boy.
Yeah I thought that was a bit unnecessary, his blog post was alright until that comment. Can’t ever say these guys are boring that’s for sure, sometimes the drama is even more interesting than the porn.