Two More Gay Porn Performers From “Nous Models” Roster

Last month, mainstream fashion model Kevin Baker was revealed to be a former masturbating webcam model (and so was his twin brother!). Baker, at the time, was repped by NOUS Models, the same agency behind Joel West and Tyson Beckford. Today, NOUS Models brings us two more gay porn performers, only this time they’re doing porn right now (not in the past), and they’re doing a lot more than cam shows. Remember when male models used to just walk around on runways?

If you ever wondered why Corbin Fisher always has the most gorgeous guys, it’s because they have the same taste as mainstream talent scouts from agencies like NOUS. Not one, but two NOUS models have transitioned from posing in angsty black and white underwear pics to hardcore gay porn.

In a scene released today, the ridiculously thick-lipped (and please, let those lips be wrapped around a cock in a future update) and almost too-hot-to-be-real “Ripley” fucks “Jackie” in one of CF’s straight scenes. “Ripley,” of course, is known to fashion gays and male model fans as Joshua Delos, who’s worked with photographers Paul Reitz, David Arnot, Kristopher Kelly, and more.

Joshua on the left, Ripley on the right!

I don’t know how much money male models make, but in this economy, I’m guessing “Ripley” is making more money than Joshua did. (Sites like Corbin Fisher, Randy Blue, and Sean Cody pay anywhere from $2500 to $5000 per scene, depending on your position and whether or not you have a contract).

As of this posting, NOUS still has Joshua Delos listed as one of their guys, but I expect that to change as soon as someone from NOUS sees this post. Oops.

The other underwear model turned porn model (there really is no difference anymore) is Corbin Fisher’s “Wyatt” a.k.a. Eric Singler. His solo was released earlier this week, and although NOUS was representing him as late as last May, I can’t find his portfolio on their site. He is featured, however, on the company’s official blog.

He’s young, hung, and even has his own website featuring more of his work! Also, he’s a whopping 6’5″. Um, hi.

My dream? Ripley and Wyatt in a scene together.

And if you want an idea of which guys are going to be doing porn next, just keep browsing the portfolios on NOUS Models. They kind of all look like gay porn stars?


25 thoughts on “Two More Gay Porn Performers From “Nous Models” Roster”

  1. I could furtherly add that while it’s a very mean spirited article, I fully expected it from such a website anyway…. BUT I really just wanna say; WHAT THE HELL IS WITH ALL THE MONTANA BEEF?!! Half of your idiots are probably originally from Nebraska or Missouri or the south or New Jersey- obviously the worst of them all. Come on. While your bashing models and privacy and careers and gay porn actors and regular model turne porn actors do you really have to bash the beautiful big sky country? Just not cool guys.

  2. Think it sorta sucks that you seem to be on some witch hunt to expose these models..think your beef is with the agency or with that warped ass lawyer who acted like some stupid fuck while saying he represented Kevin Baker. Got to be totally honest with ya…ya proved your point..we got it…Kevin Baker and his bro did some cam work…clearly something alot of starving models big fucking deal…story wasnt all that’s not like they took it up the ass on film. But, have to ask you..why are now exposing more models from this agency? It adds nothing to your original story. Instead makes you look like someone thats hell bent on exposing guys that might have used a gay venue in their past to further their careers and now you are punishing them for doing so. Ya would expect this type of reporting from a site like..lets say..shit cant even think of a site that low. Thought a gay site was all about promoting gay life styles..not destroying them..Shame on the “sword” for allowing such crap reporting. Just saying, Mike PS, betting this post dont get posted

  3. Terrence Laughton

    These guys KNOW EXACTLY what they re doing! Even though they want so desperately to be main stream fashion / print models, the reality is only a select few can earn a good $75,000 per year or more salary to support themselves living in Los Angeles. So when the phone ain’t ringing from their agent, the bills however continue to pile up so they have to find a way to make ends meet. So if THEY choose to do solo j/o stuff, they have to be fucking stupid to think it won’t EVER GET OUT. Just like those stupid Baker Boys. They came to town and LIED to everyone and his neighbor about their “past” knowing damn good and well they were selling’ it left and right. Then it hit and they go into deep depression and “hiding.”

    Even Joel Baker changed his name to stay on the NEXT Agency board – but his career is dead. It’s a shame that NOUS MEN chose to take Eric Singler off their board but KEEP and promote Kevin Baker each week. NOUS wake up – this AIN’T FAIR! Unless of course the agent may be getting some side action…hmmmmmmmmm

    Don’t fault the models for trying to make a living but at the same time, don’t feel sorry for them when it surfaces and pardon the phrase – bites them in the ass!

  4. In “Porn Stars vs Porn Wikileaks”, Zach wrote:

    “Comparing porn stars to civil rights activists(?!) aside, the intent of Porn Wikileaks–stalking, harassing, and extorting performers–is still wrong, and FSC is doing a great thing by offering to help performers maintain their privacy.”

    Apparently it’s wrong for Porn Wikileaks to publicize the legal names of performers but okay when done by The Sword. At least, that’s how it appears to me. Not only did The Sword divulge the legal names of performers, but also they provided a method of stalking (by divulging their employer). I find this trend of naming legal names on this site to be extremely unethical.

    1. If you think pointing out that two new gay porn performers are also mainstream fashion models with totally and completely public careers, personal websites, and professional management teams is the same thing as what Porn Wikileaks did, I feel really sorry for you.

    2. Alex, you obviously have a bone to pick with Zach and you’re using this non-issue as a platform to try to damage him.

      If you’re a fashion model, it’s not a PRIVATE profession like being an accountant in Cleveland or a lawyer in Topeka. It’s a PUBLIC profession. You’re not hiding who you are. In fact, you WANT people to recognize you. But in your alternative universe Alex, once a model has a cock up his ass, we’re all suppose to pretend we’ve never seen him before.

      Just because every person on the planet may not know who you are (believe it or not, the majority of the world doesn’t have a clue who Lady GaGa is) doesn’t mean you’re not famous. When you’re a model, it’s your goal to have your face everywhere and be recognized by everyone.

      Although you may not know who these guys are, it doesn’t mean there isn’t a large segment of the population that does and would be very interested in knowing that they are now working for a porno site and not just JC Pennys.

      Alex, Zach has done nothing wrong and your inability to differentiate between what is public and what is private demonstrates a severe lack in critical thinking on your part. I can only conclude you’re a United States Senator.

  5. What you’re telling the gay blogs to do, Phil, is to respect the privacy of someone who has chosen to publish on the web one of the most private acts they can do.

    By that logic, RS, all porn stars should be outed and their real identities published so that they can be “punished” by small-minded employers and members of the public, many of whom might never have seen the porn in question (and certainly, many of whom would never have seen the “webcam masturbation” in question. Is that what you believe, RS? How is that different from the logic that gay people who go to bars should be outed, even if it means their small-minded employers will fire them?

    It is one thing for some small-minded bigot to try to hurt the careers of gay porn performers by outing them to their other employers. It is another thing for a gay blog, which ought to have some understanding for the ways that young people can face bigoted employers, to out the identities of gay porn performers to their bosses. Do you disagree? Don’t you think it’s hypocritical to write about gay issues in a positive light, to publish interviews with gay porn stars, and at the same time, to write a post like this that says, “This post is going to get these boys fired! Oops! How naughty of me!”

    1. Ok Phil. Let me help you here because you’re clearly having a hard time grasping the obvious.

      Models, unlike a person who works for Ajax Plumbers in Billings, Montana, don’t have “private” jobs. Models market their faces which means they’re known from Tampa to Tokyo. There’s nothing “private” about their occupation.

      If a model decides he wants to sell his image in pornography, it’s nothing more than a extension of what he’s already doing – granted, it’s more extreme but he’s still a “model”. However now he’s one who not only does art nudes but one who takes it a step further by having an orgasm for the world to see.

      So, contrary to your hysterical indictment, Zach is NOT “outing” a person whose very profession is to sell their image. It’s not like he’s publishing their address or their mother’s name and phone number. He’s saying: “Hey! You know that guy in that jeans commercial, well his new gig is to show his asshole – check it out!”

      Frankly, I find this idea that you’re “outing” someone by sharing something that’s out there for the entire world to see to be moronic in the extreme.

      As for Zach’s motive, I can’t see into his soul, as you clearly can (I don’t envy your gift), so I’ll pass on making a judgment. However, my impression was, rather than it being mean-spirited, it was merely a comical and slightly catty……sorry, I need to take a moment to wrap my mind around the concept of a catty gay man………………….ok, where was I?……….oh yes……… was merely a comical and slightly catty prediction of what happens when a professional model for a major modeling agency decides to bury his face into a girl’s vagina while he masturbates for the entire world (which includes his agency and their clients) to see.

      To directly address your moronic exercise in twisted logic (“By that logic, RS, all porn stars should be outed and their real identities published so that they can be “punished” by small-minded employers and members of the public”)……

      No Phil, that’s not the next step in my argument and certainly not what Zach is doing here.

      Porn stars are entitled to their private lives when they are leading their lives in private. No one is advocating announcing to the world porn stars’ real names and what they do for a living IN PRIVATE.

      I could be wrong, but I would suspect that if, say, Ann Coulter were doing porn you wouldn’t be championing her right to privacy. I’d suspect you’d cheer her “outing” so spare me your sanctimonious situational hypocrisy.

      1. Ah, that makes so much sense, RS. These two incredibly famous models, who we had all seen prior to their porn work, clearly deserve to be fired because they let people watch them orgasm. How dare they do that! Being an accessory to their firing is a completely morally neutral thing to do, because porn is so morally wrong that this blog is partly devoted to it. There’s no hypocrisy at all for a gay blog to knowingly participate in trying to get porn stars fired from other jobs. No hypocrisy at all, because how can we look into the soul of a catty gay man who is openly and explicitly trying to get a gay porn star fired? You must be right, RS.

        1. Again Phil being gay has zero relevance to this discussion. I don’t see RS saying they deserved to be fired. A company can choose whoever they want to represent their brand and image and like it or not most companies probably don’t want a adult performer to represent their brand. Both of these guys were in the modeling industry long enough to know this. If TMZ, Radar, or any other news or entertainment program published a nude photo of a celebrity, or a police report provided to them, or has a tape of them making bigoted comments, does that mean these organizations are trying to be accessories to their firings? It’s not like these were private photos or videos, both of these guys signed a release form, cashed the check, and performed.

          If you don’t want someone to find out that you do porn, then don’t do porn. Zach isn’t trying to get anyone fired, just stating the obvious. If these were private pics and vids then maybe I could see your point but since they aren’t and since both probably knew what being in porn would do to their modeling career I can’t say that you have much of an argument here.

          If I wanted to be a mainstream actor and had been working at it for a few years and done okay (landed a few TV parts, commercials, and small movie roles), I wouldn’t sabotage it by doing porn. Why? Because I know that it would all but kill my chances of having a long and successful career as an actor. It really isn’t hard to figure that out.

  6. “If you ever wondered why Corbin Fisher always has the most gorgeous guys, it’s because they have the same taste as mainstream talent scouts from agencies like NOUS”, that must be a joke, specially if you have seen the likes of Kenny, Travis, Dawson, Martin, Russ, Quinn, Ford, Lang, Timothy… just to mention some of the models that make that statement false.

    1. That is certainly a matter of personal taste, Jorge. You’ve named several of my personal favorites in that list, at least.

  7. Phil, I wasn’t aware that “gay blogs” were forcing models away from their bookers and into pornography. Would you like to illuminate us further about this practice because it is quite the sensational story! Are the gay blogs doing it at gunpoint or simply leaving drug-laced bread crumbs that lead these poor unsuspecting models all the way to Corbin Fisher’s set in Vegas at which point they are forced to ejaculate on video?

    Call me old-fashioned, but how about we treat these models as adults? They made these decisions on their own, knowing full well that there was not only a chance, but a certainty that people would see them masturbating and squirting. And guess what Phil, we live in a tabloid age where NOTHING is kept secret. What exactly are the rules that gay blogs should follow? If Ryan Reynolds were on the web jerking off (oh to dream) but using a fake name like Roy, would you want the internet to ignore this so as to respect his “privacy”. I think not.

    What you’re telling the gay blogs to do, Phil, is to respect the privacy of someone who has chosen to publish on the web one of the most private acts they can do. I’m sorry Phil, but if you’re showing the world your asshole while you’re climaxing and it has a negative impact on your “other” career, then the person to blame is the public masturbator and not a blog whose sole purpose is to talk about the people who have been PAID to masturbate for our viewing pleasure.

    If models don’t want their lives “ruined” by gay blogs, then they should masturbate where everyone else does – the Bloomingdale’s men’s room.

  8. Zach, why is it that gay blogs are so willing to try to do everything possible to hurt the careers of young men who do porn?

    1. How is Zach doing that Phil? It’s not like Zach is posting info about a porn star who when he isn’t doing porn is working some 8-5 job in Bumfuck Montana and hasn’t told anyone about his porn career, they went into mainstream somewhat high profile modeling. Did they not think they wouldn’t be recognized by someone for their porn work? It would have come out at some point.

      Res high fashion male models make a fraction of what their female counterparts get. Tim Boyce was a top male model in the 90’s and posed for Playgirl recently (and was also outed by Michael Musto as a hooker). I doubt he made anywhere near what the average Playboy centerfold makes for her shoot (Playmates get $25K). A female model who was in Boyce’s position as a model in the 90’s can probably get a high six figures for a Playboy shoot and a top photographer to shoot it.

      1. It’s not like Zach is posting info about a porn star who when he isn’t doing porn is working some 8-5 job in Bumfuck Montana and hasn’t told anyone about his porn career, they went into mainstream somewhat high profile modeling.

        What difference does that make? If you mailed photos of a guy doing porn work to his boss in Bumfuck, Montana, you would be actively attempting to hurt his career. If you publish a blog post outing the real name of a performer who used a pseudonym for porn, you are actively attempting to hurt his career.

        It would have come out at some point.

        And here, that point is when Zach, a presumably gay man who writes for a “Gay. Sex.” blog, decided that it was just shocking for two low-level Nous models to do porn, such that he wrote a blog post knowing (hoping?) that it would get them fired from their agency.

        Seriously, how is Zach not complicit in this process? Look what he wrote:

        “As of this posting, NOUS still has Joshua Delos listed as one of their guys, but I expect that to change as soon as someone from NOUS sees this post. Oops.”

        It is not wrong to be gay. It is not wrong to have sex. It is not wrong to do porn. If you send a letter to a boy’s employer trying to get him fired, you are the person responsible for being an asshole motherfucker. If you write a blog post trying to get a guy fired, you are the person responsible for being an asshole motherfucker.

        1. Being gay has nothing to do with it Phil so you can drop it. If a mainstream female model put out a video of herself masturbating or having sex, most entertainment sites and blogs as well as straight male oriented sites would most certainly write something about it. He’s not hoping they will get fired but is predicting that they WILL be dropped from their agency. Why? Because modeling agencies that deal work in high fashion will not represent a model who has done porn.

          Phil these guys possibly hurt their own careers by agreeing to do porn. There is nothing wrong with porn, but at the same time, once you do it there are some things that you will have a hard time being able to do. One of those things is working in mainstream entertainment and modeling. Using some of your logic, the media shouldn’t have posted naked photos of Jeff Gannon and screen caps of his escort ads because it hurt his career as a right wing propagandist.

          The first guy (Delos) has worked as a model for several years, so please spare me the “Zach is trying to hurt his career” meme when it appears that Delos is doing that himself. It’s not like he did this shoot 5 years ago, he did this shoot very recently and he’s been in the modeling industry long enough to know that this might have an effect on his future as a mainstream model.

          1. Estelle,

            So, are we agreed that if you send a letter to a guys boss at Ajax Plumbers informing the boss that the guy did gay porn, then you’re an asshole? Can we at least agree on that? Or do you think that anything is fair game, because it’s legal?

  9. I guess modelling doesn’t pay well. I thought Nous site was going to be saturated with low budget models, but they’ve got some good models like Chad White and Anthony Gallo: Although, they aren’t hot like they used to be, popularity wise. I guess the ones that go to porn aren’t booking jobs so they have to do porn. Way to dampen their careers.

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