16-year-old John Katehis of Queens confessed to the murder early this morning. The victim, a popular Brooklyn activist and radio personality named George Weber, had placed a Craigslist ad seeking a hottie to choke him and exchange oral sex. Katehis responded and agreed to come to Weber’s house on Friday night after Weber promised to pay him $60.
Katehis allegedly confessed to promising, “‘I can smother somebody for $60,’ but it got out of hand.” There was vodka, cocaine and duct tape, and then there was a knife. Wounds on Weber’s hands and traces of Katehis’ blood around the apartment suggest that Weber tried to fight back. Investigators say that there were so many deep wounds across Weber’s neck, back and torso that it was difficult to count just how many times he had been stabbed.
Gawker got ahold of Katehis’ MySpace profile, which offers an angsty catalogue of his love for Satan, chaos, anarchy, knives, and — lamest of all — “crank calls.”
We think that Weber was more a victim of bad luck than his own actions, and we’d advise any older man shopping for hookers on craigslist should proceed with caution. More importantly, save the duct tape for the second date.
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Exclusive: Teenage Slay Suspect’s Stanic Myspace Profile (Gawker)
Teen Confesses in Newsman Slay (NY Post)
Or you could just NOT hire strangers to come into your house to smother you…