paul canon damien kyle break up

The Twisted Timeline of a Racist Porn Couple’s Breakup

It’s splitsville for Damien Kyle & Paul Canon. One of the most hated couples in gay porn now hate each other.

Relationships are difficult period. Even more so when you are working in porn. Naturally, many models attempt relationships with other models. They almost never last long enough for even a season on “So You Think You Can Fuck.” The break-ups can be wrought with accusations and sometimes, even criminal charges. Damien Kyle and Paul Canon have reached the end of “happily ever after” and their breakup is as messy as their lives.

In October 2012, Paul and Damien were inducted into the BrokeStraightBoys’ family.

In April of 2014, along with Kaden Alexander, Tyler White and Dakota Ford, Damien and Paul were part of BrokeStraightBoys’ 1000th scene bareback orgy.
paul canon damien kyle break up

By March 2015, Damien and Paul excitedly shared the news they had left BrokeStraightBoys. Paul also started saying he and Damien were married.

[But according to Damien’s Facebook, they weren’t officially engaged until July.]
paul canon damien kyle break up

By April 12th, Paul chopped his trademark tresses.

By the 27th, Paul was feeling “empowered.”

By early June, Damien was ruffling feathers.

On June 26th, all hell broke loose when Damien said, “I’m not racist. I’m not sexually attracted to black guys” in a trailer for BrokeStraightBoysTV. It’s at the 1:33 mark in the clip below.

Let the lawsuit threats begin.

Two days later, after 211 Models called Damien out, Paul took to Twitter allegedly in defense of his boyfriend husband fiancée and really sunk their battleship injecting the word “colored” that even Damien had the “sense” not to say. By the way Paul, there is no “c” in promises.

But as MenonPorn revealed in July, Paul aversion to “colored cock” could be mitigated by 15 Franklin’s.
paul canon damien kyle break up

Soon there was a “Boycott and Do Not Hire Paul Canon and Damien Kyle” petition on Charge.Org

Paul did continue to get hired as a performer. But last Wednesday, he got fired as a husband.

107 thoughts on “The Twisted Timeline of a Racist Porn Couple’s Breakup”

  1. I don’t go to Cockyboys or BSB or Pornhub for intellectual debate, political advice or philosophical musings. So, guys, remember that to your audience you are a fantasy piece of meat and you would do all a service if you would just shut up and bend over. Thank you in advance.

  2. Why do these dumb flakey twinks feel the need to share their political beliefs and personal ideas on the internet? If you are a porn star it is likely you not an intellectual or a scholar. Shut the fuck up, keep your opinions to yourself and stick to what you are good at and qualified for; Porn.

  3. These guys are not racists, and both should be quiet, take care of the drama quiet ly, and try to move on.

    We, the bigger community ,especially the gay community should be supportive, help them both Privately!!


  4. The thing that makes it racist by saying you’re not sexually attracted to: black guys, Hispanic guys, Asian guys, white guys, etc. is that you are saying a particular group is all the same. Regardless of who the person is, what their personality is like, how they dress, how they present themselves, you are automatically disqualifying the POSSIBILITY you could ever be into them….because of their race. If race alone determines who you will be attracted to, how is that any different than saying “black guys steal or Hispanic guys lie” which are blatantly racist statements. What’s even more insulting is when someone speaks to “friends” of theirs who happen to belong to the disqualified race. Imagine if you’re a white guy and your best friend who happens to be black tells you, “oh I am not into white guys. I could never be with them, their dicks are too small, you know what I mean?” Whether you’re into your friend or not it’s still a hurtful thing to say and then coerce them into agreeing with you. Insert/remove any race into my examples. Bottom line, if you’re blocking the possibility of sex or a romantic relationship solely because of race, you are losing out and you’re saying all those people are exactly the same and yes, it’s racist!

    1. I mean people of the same race generally look the same. Don’t play dumb. Jackie chan is clearly Asian, Mel Gibson is clearly Black, Brad put is clearly white.
      Attraction is largely based on appearance and the races generally have a phenotypical pattern.

  5. I’m black and I don’t think it’s racist to say you’re not attracted to black ppl BUT there is something to disect why you aren’t and especially saying “coloured” means you grew up with a certain mindset. I think you have to figure that out yourself to say you’d NEVER be attracted to a race just because of skin colour…

    1. No, and these people are….????

      It’s weird TO ME that people get offended somebody doesn’t want to fuck them because of race but also, it’s seems people mad about it are mad their fantasy was disrupted as a result of having learned of somebody’s preference or racism. You’re not owed a fuck sesh with somebody, racist or otherwise. Plus, why are people getting so up in arms about this when all any of those who are complaining about this really want is quick, anon plowing. What else could you expect?

  6. Not finding someone of a different race attractive, is NOT racism. Am I sexist, just because I won’t sleep with women? You lefties have over-used the term “racist” to the point of being ridiculous.

    1. You thinking he’s not racist makes me wanna ask YOU: What do you think racist MEANS?
      His reason for his bias is, as he said, BECAUSE OF HIS RACE. He didn’t say hair color, eye color, dick size, body type, nationality, if he was employed or not, rich or poor, smart or dumb, or even if he had bad breath. He SOLELY said race. No you’re NOT sexist if you sleep with women, you’re just gay. This isn’t quite the same Boo Boo, he DOES like men, just not one’s that are black, and black is a conversation about, say it with me now, RACE.

  7. I just think its a fucked up situation that in our society white people are more favorable than other races in many aspects such as the filming industry,porn and even when it comes to dating. Americans need to get over themselves and accept the fact that all races are beautiful!!! There is only one Race and it’s the human race.

  8. It’s technically not racist to not be attracted to black guys. I’m black and honestly don’t care. It’s just a preference… but he was being a bit racist in his tone of voice… lol

    1. Agreed. I am a Black pansexual and am not typically sexually attracted to white women. It’s just a preference. But “colored”? Yeh…no.

  9. ah that ‘tolerance’ gays AS I’VE ALWAYS SAID, are the biggest phonies/liars/racists on the plant liberal queers are the worst!! PROVED MY POINT to a TEEEEEE 2 fuckin’ scumbags ‘outed’ as such, or the irony!!

  10. All the porn actors that they expose as being racist are ugly and no one cares. I don’t care if some meth out looking TOTAL bottom doesn’t fck “colored” dick…hell that more for me! Also the only ones that really care are black guys who are only attracted to white guys…which is the same ignorant approach and no one cares.

  11. Who gives a shit about these ignorant pale inbred trailer-apes? You couldn’t pay me to have sex with a white person. YUCK!!

  12. I mean not being qttracted to a certain race is certainly racist in my eyes. Like have you met every “colored” person on the earth to know that or are you j8st immediately not attracted because of the color of their skin without seeing them. Sounds racist to me

  13. They didn’t break up. Just spotted them food shopping at a Publix in New Port Richey Fl. They looked like a typical gay couple. Paul has buffed up now. Wish them luck.

  14. LOL, not being attracted to certain race isn’t racist, the races look different so it makes sense some will like others more or less.

  15. Feeling the love in these comments:

    “I’m not racist and I dont find blacks attractive.”
    Black people are ugly but that’s just my personal preference.
    I will sit and eat with one but I AINT touching that eggplant. #NotRacist #JusSayin
    I’m a BLACK and I don’t even like black men. #NotEvenRacist #LongHairDontCare

    …just gonna sit my black Alessia Cara ass over here in the corner….glad i see so many not racists here…#ForeverAlone

    btw, ce-ci est BIEN dit: I agree with everything you have said, however, it is racist as racism is the ideology that all members of a racial group are all the same. Also, saying I am not attracted to a particular racial group is technically saying that you find that racial group sexually inferior.

    Saying you prefer a certain over another is not racist, however, dismissing an entire race based on your preconceived notions are.

  16. This is the slippery slope we find ourselves NAVIGATING when technology grows faster than tolerance and “haters” cannot wait to stomp up and down over an issue that is barely a blip and has ZERO racist undertones or overtones and is simply a person exercising FREE SPEECH that the OP decided was RACISM.. IMHO …its YELLOW JOURNALISM.

    BRIEFLY: Saying you are not attracted to Black guys is NOT the same as saying ALL BLACKS SHOULD DRAGGED BEHIND BUICKS. It is a personal preference you may or may not agree with but this is AMERICA and saying that neither breaks laws nor undermines any disenfranchised minority group..

    But it proves that technology isn’t always your friend. These guys are porn stars who create an illusion in every one of our heads. That is what they get paid for. When we turn them into actual people by reading blogs….messaging them…and finding out how they vote or whether they can spell…the fantasy starts to tarnish.

    For record l am a huge Paul Canon fan and Kyle l could take or leave. But it’s all based on what they do on camera. I don’t care what they grew up or when their birthday is or whether they speak to their family. I am not offended or disgusted by what they said just because I may not agree with it. I am much more disturbed by knee jerk reactions from poster who throw logic under the bus and who take things out of context. This smacks of mob mentality where people clearly have their own agenda and do what they can to stir the pot and ill will on a highly volatile topic and others fall in line right behind them and do the same thing in the name of Tolerance. Its shameful.

  17. Crazy. Sue someone just for saying he’s not sexually attracted to black guys. STOP.
    I’m not sexually attracted to women. Sue me now.

  18. I completely disagree that anyone here is racist. It’s like having any sort of preference. It has nothing to do with race. People generally find one thing more attractive than the other. Some people aren’t attracted to people with a darker skin tone. That’s just a preference. Just like when people prefer people with a darker skin tone and aren’t attracted to lighter skin tones. People need to slow down and think before they get so offended.

    1. Yes you may call it preference but it’s being prejudice about someone’s skin tone that they cannot control and they were born that way. It is racist when your “preference” Is against a certain race. Paul Cannon is ugly anyway and has tow thumbs… not sexually attracted to people with toe thunbs…..that is my” preference”


  19. PS, Being racist (or any of the ‘ists”) is not an on-off, either-or things. Bias of any kind is more accurately measured in degrees. It should also be noted that no one is totally without some form of bias.

  20. Racial attraction and repulsion have NOTHING to do with how “good” a person looks (as beauty is relative and subjective.) Racial attraction or repulsion is MOSTLY about the comfort of familiarity. In 60 years on this planet I have witnessed too often to keep count, people who have held the opinion that people of other ethnicities are inherently ugly, only to do a complete 180 degree turn when they have had a chance to interact.

    I find it useless getting mad at these individuals. It’s like getting mad at a 5 year old because they don’t like the taste of spicy foods. Their minds and experiences haven’t matured enough to make that appreciation of the thing even possible.

    A prime example is idris Elba. Now he’s all the rage and folks go on about how handsome he is. But for the average black person, in reality, he is a little more or less handsome than their brother or next door neighbor.

    When I was younger I too would have been offended by the racist ageist comments. But there comes a point where you realize that people who hold and voice such opinions have limited self-awareness and understanding and you move away from being mad at them to embarrassed for them.

    1. Bravo my friend, that was well said. I couldn’t have said it any better than you have. The scary thing is that they aren’t even willing to learn…

    2. I disagree, A handsome black man is differently looking than a handsome white guy so someone who truly isn’t attracted to a certain race, a handsome black guy isn’t going to change that. I have a strong preference for white guys and have seen plenty of handsome black guys yet that hasn’t changed.

    1. actually, it was the website, that started the lie cause his audition tape he sent them he said he was bi. it’s on you tube

  21. Gay porn star Paul Canon is also ageist. He put on his Grindr profile this week, “NO ONE OVER 30.” Well I guess that means no one over thirty should watch or purchase any of his videos. Besides being racist “NO BLACKS” he is now also “AGEIST”. I am now officially boycotting him and any of his videos. Just buy them all yourself.

  22. okay so im a biracial child and i generally am not attracted to blacks. I will say most of the time im not but that mostly to do with a cultural thing. I prefer my own two cultures over that of others, i will date them if i find them attractive no matter their race but i dont think its racist to say your not attracted to a race/culture because like it or not it can be the case. shit even my relatives that are black dont consider it racist.

    1. its not i jut don’t wanna hear my colour used as a negative connotation in any public arena, we all have preferences so why not simply say your not my type FULL STOP!!!

  23. I do not consider myself racist. So the fact I am not attracted to men of color that automatically makes me one? By using that logic every straight man can be considered homophobic. It is ridiculous people get too offended over stuff. I support DK in his statement. I dont think he is racist, he just not sexually attracted to men of color.

    1. Ummmm… yes. Now, I”m not sure if you mean “black” when you say “men of color”.. or if you literally men every single man who is not white. Either way.. yes. Racist. Your decision is based on race. Period. Does not matter how light or dark they are. .. short or tall.. muscled, heavy or thin… twink or older… long hair or short hair.. smooth or hairy… whatever. Your “not attracted” is based solely on their race. Never mind the fact I doubt you have MET every single “man of color” on the planet… yet.. you KNOW already to reject them… based simply on the fact they are of color. So yes… racist. If all blacks or “people of color” had the exact same skin tone.. the exact same facial features.. the exact same height…. body.. hair.. etc… then that is one thing. However, since people can look very different from each other.. even when sharing the same “race”…. and you STILL reject.. based solely on race.. then yes.. sorry. That is racist. You are not rejecting them beause they are too short… too heavy… to fem.. whatever. You turn away solely on race (as if everyone of a certian race is a carbon copy of other people of that race).

      1. S,
        I feel that it wold be in your best interests to learn how to form sentences correctly without making a staggering amount of grammatical errors before moving onto educating people regarding the definition of certain words. I say this because one must learn to walk before they can run.

        The Oxford English Dictionary has defined the word ‘racist’ as “A person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another”

        Personal preference and taste are not mentioned at all, furthermore, I have yet to see any statements sighting racial superiority as the reasoning behind their declarations. It is our different tastes, desires, and preferences that set us apart for one another, defining us as individuals. In order to label someone’s actions or statements as ‘racist’, you must demonstrate that they acted with malicious intent, or, at the very least show that they intended to cause harm or upset, of some kind on some level.

      2. I think you read way too deep into that. if he was genuinely racist then he wouldn’t want ANYTHING to do with blacks…and depending on how strongly he feels about it, would go out of his way to make life as difficult as he can for blacks. idk what he does on his own time so i can’t say for sure. However, he clearly stated on the infamous “racist” clip that he can be friends with black guys, he just isn’t sexually attracted to them. I’m black myself and see nothing wrong with that statement what so ever. a good portion of my family and friends exclusively date/fuck within our race just because that’s what they PREFER. At the end of the day, everyone has a preference. it may be culturally biased and influence by stereotypes…so what? Whenever I hear/read statements like “i’m not attracted to , I just assume they haven’t encountered one that draws their attention in that way. It’s a harmless preference. Until he starts being deliberately oppressive and relentlessly prejudice, can you really call him a racist?

    2. Yes, it does make you racist.. Now, I”m not sure if you mean “black” when you say “men of color”.. or if you literally men every single man who is not white. Either way.. yes. Racist. Your decision is based on race. Period. Does not matter how light or dark they are. .. short or tall.. muscled, heavy or thin… twink or older… long hair or short hair.. smooth or hairy… whatever. Your “not attracted” is based solely on their race. Never mind the fact I doubt you have MET every single “man of color” on the planet… yet.. you KNOW already to reject them… based simply on the fact they are of color. So yes… racist. If all blacks or “people of color” had the exact same skin tone.. the exact same facial features.. the exact same height…. body.. hair.. etc… then that is one thing. However, since people can look very different from each other.. even when sharing the same “race”…. and you STILL reject.. based solely on race.. then yes.. sorry. That is racist. You are not rejecting them beause they are too short… too heavy… to fem.. whatever. You turn away solely on race (as if everyone of a certian race is a carbon copy of other people of that race).

      1. Hi S., out of curiosity : if a’person’ (male/female, white/yellow/black/purple) say they’re in all with you but you have no interest towards them would you :
        a) say you love them back and have a relationship with them just because they like you?
        b) feel the right to deny your love because you do not feel the same way towards them (for whatever reason)?
        Based on your argument you should go for a) because if you went for b) sure you would be rightly accused of misanthropy?

      2. BS. People of all colors have their own general preferences when it comes to sexual attraction. If someone isn’t attracted to another person because of their race, age or body type, that doesn’t make them a bigot necessarily. I might agree with you in some cases though. I myself am not usually attracted to black guys. If I met someone I really connected with than my usual preference would be, and has been, tossed out the proverbial window. Why? Because that person themselves would be what is attracting me. If DK isn’t attracted to black guys (or girls) in general, that’s not racist. If he really connected with one yet their race was the deciding factor in why he wouldn’t pursue anything further, that would be. Pretty simple for everyone.

  24. Everyone: Many people are correct. Technically, When anyone makes a statement that they are not attracted to Black guys (or any other racial group), is NOT racism. It is missing the racial superiority/inferiority component that would qualify it to be considered a racist statement. When anyone makes such a blanket statement, proudly declaring they are NOT attracted to people of a certain specific race, it is offensive, distasteful, unsympathetic, shallow, insensitive and simply unnecessary. Its also very damaging to hear or read for anyone of that race you feel isn’t attractive. Why contribute to the underlying issues that community has had to face being systematically devalued, marginalized, represented in the media as being unattractive, battling negative stereotypes socially, and are still struggling from decades of adversity and hatred. Hearing & reading someone’s insensitive statement, incorrectly labeled as a romantic or sexual preference, and being told that someone’s personal choice to categorically exclude an entire group of people solely based on their ethnicity or race, and throw it in that face is OKAY,… its their right to do,….and if you and every other person who keeps saying its wrong don’t like it, so what…’re not going to tell me what I should and shouldn’t like!! Its a “preference” based off of a preconceived notion from bias views of an entire ethnic group, when I am quite sure that person has not met every single Black person on the planet. How is that possible?? Stating “I’m not into Black or Asian guys”, or stating “I do not find Blacks or Asians attractive”, is essentially saying “I think all Blacks or Asians are ugly and unattractive” and “I will never, ever date a Black guy, or Asian guy…..I won’t even consider it….period, so don’t bother trying to talking to me if you are one!” Wow really? People look different, even people of a particular race. Different noses, different hair, different skin tone, etc. Now is it racist? Not really. Is it harmful to that particular minority group to see or read, yes. May not be racist, but it definitely fits the definition Racial Prejudice and Bigotry. Its a negative pre-judgement accompanied by discriminatory behavior. Many people just get defensive and wont care to see that. If you don’t see anything disturbing with that, then that’s between you and your maker come judgment day. But at least stop putting such hurtful things in your profiles, in your curt chat responses, or in a publicly viewed video. How about instead of focusing on what you Don’t want. Try listing what you do want. What kind of guy would you prefer. Its not as crass and definitely not the same as expressing to someone how unattractive you feel they are based solely off something they where born with and can’t change.

    1. I agree with everything you have said, however, it is racist as racism is the ideology that all members of a racial group are all the same. Also, saying I am not attracted to a particular racial group is technically saying that you find that racial group sexually inferior.

      racism- the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
      prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.

    2. I agree with everything you have said, however, it is racist as racism is the ideology that all members of a racial group are all the same. Also, saying I am not attracted to a particular racial group is technically saying that you find that racial group sexually inferior.

      Saying you prefer a certain over another is not racist, however, dismissing an entire race based on your preconceived notions are.

      racism- the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
      prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.

    3. I agree with everything you have said, however, it is racist as racism is the ideology that all members of a racial group are all the same. Also, saying I am not attracted to a particular racial group is technically saying that you find that racial group sexually inferior.

      Saying you prefer a certain over another is not racist, however, dismissing an entire race based on your preconceived notions are.

      racism- the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
      prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.

      1. Listen to your total lack of logic, you lepton: how the fuck is it racist to have a sexual preference?! Let me make this simple for you- a gay man who doesn’t find women sexually attractive is therefore, according to your illogical and asinine stupidity, a misogynist!!! No he’s not- he’s a man who prefers cocks to vaginas.

        Likewise, a person who has no sexual attraction to people outside their own racial group isn’t a racist, they just **aren’t attracted to people outside their own racial group**. It’s actually programmed into your DNA, nerdlet.

        There’s no fucking politics concerning what consenting adults do with each others’ genitals, and God help us all if imbeciles like you ever have your warped notions of social morality enshrined in law. What are you going to do, force gay men to bang women? Maybe straight men who don’t like getting banged up the butt are homophobes who need to be told the truth?

        The guy likes white men- get over yourself.

        As for the word “colored”, so damned what- he clearly meant it as an umbrella term; he’s not some 19th century white-hooded Alabaman klansman on his steed charging into Birmingham to burn out the brown people. Grow up.

        1. HAHA saying that is programmed into your DNA is completely without merit unless you consider every biracial child ever born rare occurence

  25. I am Black and I prefer not to date white people that doe not make me racist lol I mean its his preference if he wants to date people of a darker or paler skin tone. As long as he does not say we should not have rights he’s okay with me.

    1. Ummmm… yes. Now, I”m not sure if you mean “black” when you say “men of color”.. or if you literally men every single man who is not white. Either way.. yes. Racist. Your decision is based on race. Period. Does not matter how light or dark they are. .. short or tall.. muscled, heavy or thin… twink or older… long hair or short hair.. smooth or hairy… whatever. Your “not attracted” is based solely on their race. Never mind the fact I doubt you have MET every single “man of color” on the planet… yet.. you KNOW already to reject them… based simply on the fact they are of color. So yes… racist.

      1. You’re gay. I take it you prefer cocks to vaginas? Oh well then according to your idiocy you’re a misogynist!

        Congratulations, stupid, you just reached a new level of illogical thinking.

        The guy prefers white cocks….get over yourself.

  26. Why does anyone in his right mind give a fig about what any pale, stringy-haired, illiterate, emotionally unstable, sexually confused, sex worker is beyond me!

  27. Deeper than racism is prejudice, so if you are in the business of judging who is and isn’t racist then maybe you need to look in the mirror and see if you are possibly prejudiced towards people

  28. Interesting he doesn’t find black men attractive..but for $1,500. he will gladly let him his rear end etc…spoken like a true hoe:-)

    1. well as a black man who doesnt have a race preference I would say that depends, Do you only like black men? if so then yes because your dissing others and a match just because of there skin tone

    2. I agree with everything you have said, however, it is racist as racism is the ideology that all members of a racial group are all the same. Also, saying I am not attracted to a particular racial group is technically saying that you find that racial group sexually inferior.

      racism- the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
      prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.

      1. racism – the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
        prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.

  29. Just because you and the very judgemental Zachary Sire call Damien Kyle and Paul Canon racist, damn sure doesn’t mean it’s true. A racist is someone who believes that one race is inherently superior and another race inherently inferior. Because Damien said that he is not sexually attracted Black guys, doesn’t mean that he is a racist. It means, that at this time in his life and experiences, he is not sexually attracted to Black guys. Paul’s use of the old fashioned term “colored” doesn’t mean he is a racist. Stop being so damn judgemental and give these young guys a chance to grow.

    1. Hopefully, I won’t get blocked for disagreeing with you on this issue, like Zachary Sire blocked me from posting on his blog, because I said that perhaps his defense of the woman, who may just be a gold digging homophobe, who suing Michael Lucas is because of his hatred for Michael Lucas.

        1. Saying an entire race isn’t attractive is racist. White gay men are the worst.. First it’s black guys are only attractive if they are thugs or a fetish and then it’s we don’t like black men due to this and this and this… Now it’s no black allowed on profiles and everyone says its a preference.. WAKE UP GAY WHITE MEN.. YOU ARE JUST AS RACIST AS THE HETROS… The only place i can see a sign that says no blacks asain etc is in the gay community.. I wonder why people don’t outwardly display their racist ideology in the straight world? It is sad that the discussion about race, in our communty, is so screwed up that people outwardly defend a persons right to be racist due to their preference of believing and ENTIRE race isn’t attractive…

          1. I don’t think he said an: “ENTIRE race isn’t attractive”. He said he was not sexually attracted to Black guys. Big difference. If you don’t see the difference, open your eyes, For the record, I do not outwardly or covertly defend any persons right to be racist.

          2. ‘Andrew” if one says they are not attractive to an entire group of men of the same ethnic background… yes that is eye catching…one would have to see all of those men in the world to make that statement … bias/racist at least.
            Lets not insult intelligence on here!

          3. An uneducated sex-worker made a foolish and unnecessary statement where he marginalized ‘black’ men, in turn clearly upsetting people, which was unkind and thoughtless but not racist. We as the public, however, we most rise above such silliness and lead by example. Labeling a foolish kid a racist because he was racially insensitive is an abuse of the English language.

      1. I missed you on Zach Sire’s blog. Now I know why. He also blocked me. Don’t ever say something about his mother… I guess the rumors that he lives with his mum and hasn’t a dollar to spend are true after all….

      2. Andrew, unless he has personally met or seen every black man on the planet he can not truthfully say he is not attracted to black men. He could have stated that he hasn’t yet been attracted to a black man. This somehow leaves the door open for the possibility. But when you make a blanket statement lumping an entire race of people sight unseen you are a racist. Whether you know it or not.

      3. Zach Sire is a Douche Bag. He has blocked me 4 times because I told the “Truth” about things that were not being told. It’s porn! Why so serious?

    2. Expressing a preference isn’t necessarily racist, but comparing sex with a POC to sex with a “retarded goat” is definitely racist.

      1. If it was about only one person, not really. It’s not exactly nice but wouldn’t be racist. If such a comment was intended to reflect what sex is like with anyone of a particular race, yeah that’s pretty racist.

    3. ” Paul’s use of the old fashioned term ‘colored’ doesn’t mean he is a racist. ” LOL!!!! LOL!!! This would make perfect sense if the dude was over 60, but he’s not. Come on. Get your Paul groove on as much as you need to, but please stop with this “logic.”

      1. The simple truth is that using the old fashioned, out of date, word “colored” doesn’t mean that he is a racist. It may not be PC. It may be out of date. It doesn’t mean that he is a racist. Racism is a particularly evil philosophy that teaches that one race is superior to others. To label this kid a racist based on these few remarks is ABSURD.

    4. So I was doing some research afterbiological claims that racial preference is just biology…

      I found this by an evolutionary psychologist:

      while there is no evolutionary or biological reason why some people prefer a certain race, he says a positive attitude about a group of people and the opportunity to meet someone from a different background is an enormous predictor of who we end up with.

      i used to agree that its sexually unsophisticated rather than racist. But the underlying message here is that damien paul either dont have good relationshipswith people of colour or they are discouraged by the media, family etc..

    1. Actually they are not all gay. In fact most of them are probably str8 guys just trying to make some money. There are many str8 young hustlers in my neighborhood who have sex with gay men for money. It ain’t that unusual.

    2. It’s difficult not to see some as being at least a bit bi, but having watched a few of the videos I can believe that many are not gay. Rocco for one didn’t seem like he was enjoying it but was doing it for the money.

    1. 90% of people who are into porn are men. So straight men who watch porn to see the women. With that the women make more money and are considered the stars. Gay men feel the same types of sexual arousal as straight men. To cut it short men in gay porn has a chance to make more money than they would in straight porn, plus a chance to become truly iconic stars. As for straight men in gay porn, look up gay porn in the Czech Republic and brace yourself

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