sam smith wins first oscar

[UPDATED] Dustin Lance Black “Feel Free To Laugh.”

[UPDATED] Sam Smith responds to Dustin Lance Black’s Oscar shade.

In, “one of the biggest upsets of the 2016 Oscars,” according to, Smith and co-writer Jimmy Napes won for “Writing’s on the Wall” from Spectre in the Best Original Song category. A victorious Smith while at the podium referenced a recent quote from out actor Ian McKellen on the diversity issue plaguing the awards this year in particular, “It’s not only black people who’ve been disregarded by the film industry, it used to be women, it’s certainly gay people to this day.”

“If this is the case, or even if this isn’t the case, I want to dedicate this to the LGBT community all over the world. I stand here, I stand here tonight as a proud gay man, and I hope we can stand together as equals one day. Thank you so much.” ~Sam Smith

McKellen’s remarks were referring to LGBT wins in acting categories. There have been other gay Oscar winners and as USA Today covered, Smith was quickly enlightened. “When Smith came backstage to answer questions after his big win, one of the reporters informed him that two other men — Howard Ashman and Dustin Lance Black — had won previously.”

Vox also notes, “Elton John and Stephen Sondheim, two gay men who have both won Oscars for Best Original Song. Or the work of Melissa Etheridge, a gay woman who won Best Original Song in 2006.”

Smith was “verklempt” about performing as well as winning.

Previous Oscar winner Dustin Lance Black wanted to make a couple of things clear to Sam:

[Complete list of 2016 Oscar Winners] [The Best and Worst Red Carpet Looks]

Despite the dust-up, it was a lucky day for Sam Smith. Even his dad hoped that would translate into a lucky night.

Thanks dad for the good luck present 😩

A photo posted by Sam Smith (@samsmithworld) on

At the very least, we know Sam Smith hooked up with one man last night, one named Oscar.

[UPDATED – 1:33 PM] One good tweet deserves another. Sam responds to Dustin:

Well, Oscar or Tom Daley? Who would you have rather spent last night with?

[UPDATED – March 1] Today, everyone is seeing the humor. At least Dustin Lance Black is …

All’s well that ends well!

4 thoughts on “[UPDATED] Dustin Lance Black “Feel Free To Laugh.””

  1. I think Dustin should ask himself:
    1) why does sam have his fiance’s number
    2) why isn’t your fiance telling him to stop.

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