The Producer And The Pilfering Porn Star

As “Spence,” “Danny Drake,” and “Devin Draz,” this model made videos for Randy Blue, Cocksure Men, and Colt. Today he’s got a new video, but he’s not doing porn. He’s stealing cash out of a porn producer’s wallet.

It almost feels like I should be wearing a condom just watching this video. It’s not cool to steal from friends (unless it’s alcohol), but it’s also dumb that this former porn producer, “Doug,” outed his former model on his blog.’s former owner Doug (if you went to the ASG site over the past several years, you’ll remember him as one half of “Doug and Jay,”–he was the guy with the ciggie dangling out of his mouth in every scene) and Spence go back a ways, and in a tl;dr blog post about Spence’s crimes and personal relationship with Doug (which bizarrely segues into a warning about the end of the world on December 21st, 2012), Doug gives away everything you ever wanted to know (and didn’t want to know) about his former BFF, which then led to another blog post on Men of Porn that reveals Spence’s mugshots and arrest records.

Why set up a webcam in your own house if you know someone’s going to steal from you? Just don’t let him in your house!

Everyone is just awful.

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15 thoughts on “The Producer And The Pilfering Porn Star”

  1. This “Doug” producer sounds like a real nutjob, too.

    There’s no way he should be playing games like this with someone he caught red-handed. He should have sued at the first sign of trouble and confined his interaction with “Devin” to the courtroom from then on. Or he should have completely withdrawn from “Devin” and moved on.

    Doug is in need of some serious growing up, self-respect and sanity, which is about as likely as his 2012 Mayan Apocalypse.

  2. It’s cliched but fool me once shame on you fool me twice (or in this case multiple times) shame on me. You would think after the first time someone steals and forges checks in your name you would cut off contact with them and seek justice but this fool let it happen multiple times. He’s either really naive or has zero self esteem.

    I don’t have much sympathy for either one of them, I think they deserve each other. According to the article Devin has a 1 year old son with his pornstar girlfriend. How sad.

    1. fool? do you know me madam? I assume you’re a madam as your name is Estelle. How incredibly insightful of you to diagnose not only the situation that I became a victim of but me as well. What a wonderful psychiatric analysis you have done..a great service to us all. I got an idea for you Estelle and for all of those who seek to classify, condemn and point fingers in judgement at others while sitting comfortably at home enjoying the anonymity of your assumed names on the internet. I would strongly encourage you to seek to understand what it is you are reading about and if you find that you may not have all the information to allow you to quickly and cleanly categorize everything then why don’t you just suspend judgement and not say anything? Why must you add to the negative vibe by adding your two cents. I was a victim in this crime and I did what I did for two reasons: a) the police did nothing at all after I filed my report and b) I honestly believed Devin/Spence when he told me he was sorry and wanted to come back to work. I allowed that but never trusted him again. I believe in the Christian principle of forgiveness – you should try that in your life it might make you a more attractive person inside.

      Doug DeLong

      1. Doug Dear I read your blog so I will highlight a few things.

        1.) He stole checks from you not once, but several times and you continued to allow him in your home, forgiveness is a good thing, that doesn’t mean you allow them back into your life or in this case your home.

        2.) He stole from your company, knowing that he did this did you ever consider contacting other companies that he was working for to let them know what the deal was? For all you know, he could have done this at other studios he worked at and to other models he was shooting with. It has happened plenty of times.

        3.) Most people would not let someone who stole from them back into their house after the first time. Much less, the second, third, etc…. He’s also an addict. If you have ever known or dealt with an addict most of what he did to you and the empty promises he made are classic of what many addicts do.

        4.) Yes you are a victim and I genuinely hope you get every penny back from him that he stole. I didn’t come down so hard on you for exposing him because sometimes people like him need to be exposed and yes you are the victim, but you also put yourself in harm’s way over and over again.

        5.) I believe in forgiveness, but I’m also not stupid enough to play in traffic.

      2. I absolutely agree with doug, how will you know if someone is sorry for whatever wrong they did, unless you give them the chance to prove it, and i don’t want start a religious controversy but back in the day, just 40 years ago kids were raised to forgive, to be forgiven.
        i would have done the exact same thing, in fact i recall doing the same thing, first time the police asked me, what proof do i have? now i can tell you personal video cameras were in the infancy stage, and not easy to hide.
        it was awhile later, the second time the cop asked me, wheres my proof? i handed him the tape, haven’t seen or heard from my brother sense, but before that last incident
        it seems like that’s all i did, i asked my mom one time, how many times do i have to forgive him, and she replied 10k X 10k.
        i applaud you doug, i think you handled the situation perfectly, as i wasn’t there to witness, how can i judge otherwise.
        i just don’t understand how haters can just run in and start pointing that shaky finger
        at the victim for being a victim, it never fails,
        even now 7 years later, for some reason i thought that story was about kai, now i remember it was devin, i started not liking devin when he started getting bulkier, he appeared to be cockier, arrogant, i could almost tell then, his days were numbered,
        by then i was very interested in kai, what happened to him, last i saw was his home video, and it seemed like poof, hr was gone
        doug, what ever happened with kai? does he have a fan based media, i would like to get his collection at asg, and hes not the only model, just to start.
        doug i sure would like to pick your brain to see if i could start a gig like asg for myself..
        this is just my opinion, no need to get worked up over it.

    1. I agree. He was one of my favorites. He really seemed to be a good performer and an excellent bottomin his videos.

  3. I now see that it wasn’t. My memory was incorrect. Please feel free to delete both of my messages. Apologies.

  4. Just curious as a usual lurker–is “Doug” one of the guys who still runs ASG? And isn’t there some controversy about that site not having updated in a long time but allegedly still taking customers’ money (forgive me if I’m remembering incorrectly)? If there is some truth to that, how do we know this isn’t the case of someone deciding to get the money owed to him by the same site owner? As Zach pointed out, everyone involved looks bad, but what the video shows might not be the whole story.

    *now returns to lurking in case I am completely off base.*

  5. Interesting that you berate and make fun of the porn producer for simply telling the truth and conveniently leaving out he was also a victim of this assholes numerous crimes. You also leave out that poor dear Spence/Devin was arrested for several felony drug charges and felony probation violation. Yes, it’s so much worse that Doug “outed” such a wonderful friend than that Spence/Devin is a felon.

    1. Thank you, Michael. I don’t know why NakedSword is sticking up for some junkie porn star. The producer is awesome for catching the crook in action and going into detail about what a creep this guy is.

      1. “NakedSword” is not sticking up for anyone. The guy stealing the money is obviously in the wrong. At the same time, I have a problem with a producer posting his former model’s name and personal information on the internet. Like I said, everyone is awful.

        1. But in that case “everyone is awful” implies that both are equally awful which I don’t agree with. That Gay 4 Pay performer with a criminal record and past got what he deserves. But that last paragraph on the porn producer’s blog or site about the 2012 armageddon scenario is over the top crazy.

          1. Of course, I would never presume to speak for Zach. When I read that bit about everybody involved being awful, I assumed it was because instead of just confronting or not inviting his friend over, this guy set up a video camera and caught him out. Then put his personal info on blast on the internets.

            The Sword’s taken a hard line on that kind of thing, as long as I’ve been reading it.

  6. What’s interesting is that his family/close friends probably find the fact that he turned to gay porn to support his drug habit more egregious than the fact that he’s a thief.

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